We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate or Member at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Alex Majid Please help me pray for my vocation to Religious Life. Ricky Kmenlang Mawlong PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DIVINE MERCY PILGRIMAGE...ORGANISE BY DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE IN COLABORATION WITH THE CONTEMPLATIVE SISTERS OF DIVINE MERCY AND THE YOUNG APOSTLES OF DIVINE MERCY. TODAY AT 1:00 PM WE WILL START OUR PILGRIMAGE IN THE CATHEDRAL OF MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS OF SHILLONG ARCHDIOCESE. Peter Alcock pray for Christian Aid , all those in Bangladesh in danger and all celebrating the wisdom of the Buddha at this time of Vesak. Wisdom and compassion and the dynamic Trinity enfold the world and inspire justice. Kevin Figueiredo Please continue to pray for my Mum(Ana who is in an assisted living facility), my Dad(Antonico, who is also in an assisted living facility), my sister(Audrey), my brother(Roy for his vocation and state in life or his calling in life and to work and serve the Lord in the House of God), and me(Kevin for my vocation and state in life or my calling in life and to work and serve the Lord in the House of God). Amen Stephen Whitlock Father, Today is before us Thank you. Let the death of your Son bind us to each other; let us live as you desire; May the truth of Christ be shown ineach of us. Amen, Praise. Li Cruz FOR THE PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS AROUND THE WORLD, LET US PRAY FOR THEM. Li Cruz HOLY SPIRIT GRANT US VIRTUES PROPER TO OUR STATE OF LIFE. Li Cruz DEAR GOD HELP AND GUIDE US IN EVERYTHING WE DO. Greg Marshall Ofh Teach us, Lord, to deny ourselves for the sake of your kingdom. Help us distinguish self-righteous suffering from the suffering that comes from bearing our crosses as we follow you. Linda Mary Montano Home repairs and emotional repairs John Spiesman For all who travel. May all journeys be blessed with grace and safety. For the spiritually abused. May evil and power in churches be replaced by love. May the blessing of the Holy Trinity be ours this day and throughout eternity. The blessing of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit be upon us all. Sylvia Poche Sandberg For healing of my body. Was doing well after hip replacement surgery but now seem to be losing ground. Having pain, can't sleep, difficult to stay on top of things that have to get done. Thank you. Millie D'orto takes a while but it will heal...Time is in Gods' Hands and sometimes He wants us to rest a while with Him to know that He Alone knows why...Hope you can get some meds for the pain.I know its so easy to tell you this but I know only because I went through it..I will pray for you. Sylvia Poche Sandberg Thank you, Millie. I was so happy to be pain free but now my thigh aches and burns. Perhaps it's some healing mechanism that is going on but I'm so tired. I appreciate your encouraging words. Of course you worry that you're rejecting the implant. I will take you advice and really give it to God (not just say I am and then take it back.) Maurizio Alas For all mothers suffering Donna Godich Stewart For all those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, that they may heal in Gods grace and know that they will one day be together in the Kingdom of Heaven. That terrorism can be halted and those responsible be punished for their killing of innocents, including children, in planes and others. And again, I ask for your prayers for myself that I may continue my journey to spiritual wellness, and to become worthy of His Grace and love. God bless us all. Thank you. Stephanie Drury For missing children with no guardians, and private intentions. Millie D'orto FOR PEACE,,GIVING,FORGIVING,LOVE AND JOY that seems to be lacking in the World because people are without Jesus in their Hearts Look.First for the Kingdom of God ) Lord Have Mercy on us, for we to are sinners...... Dave Wulf Ofs Let us pray for those men and women who are Hospitalised and whom are in Nursing and Care homes. Merle Roller-Carrigan for the Love of all GOD'S children. Ida Chip Ojinaga For my spn Robert who celebrate s his birthday today. Comments are closed.
August 2024