We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For all of our World Leaders that they may be guided by the Lord and make ethical decisions to bring about World Peace and end hunger, all violence and terrorism, poverty and loss of innocent lives. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, have addictions, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Albert Cioffoletti Adding my 'prayers' with those of BrotherPaul Ofh ... may they 'rise like incense' to God's altar on high Laurence Martin Adding my prayers to yours. Gloria Enoch I continue to ask for my Fraternity, our Regional council and for myself as We Process this year of cessation.(GE,(ofs) Peace and Joy. Stephanie Drury Intentions Theresa Canaan I like this bro Paul Saint Francis with a little bird On his head ❤ Linda Sherman And a cat! Theresa Canaan Francis loved all little animals They are named Little brother Little sister Joy Marzynski It wasn't only animals; he addressed all of creation in that manner, sun and all heavenly or earthly bodies; anything God created. Theresa Canaan Can you imagine how much joy and love saint Francis Had for all Could you imagine the Endless love our lord Jesus has for us Just to walk beside him would be the greatest gift of all Jeanne Rabe Tysinger Let us continue on our daily walk of faith to seek to follow Christ.Lord hear our prayer. Gina Valladao Charity of Heart And the holy Soul's in Purgatory and for world Peace and all unbelievers peace in all families!!!????❤ Joy Marzynski ?? continued prayer for sanctity, growth in holiness and humility, and deepening of spirituality for all of us. Laurence Martin Amen. Carole Dupuy ?✝️ Nestor Limqueco We pray for the poor souls in purgatory. We also include the sanctification of the clergy. We also include for the complete healing of Fr. Benildo Jun Pilande. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and the powerful intercession of the Blessed Lady.Amen. Laurence Martin Amen. Richard Valdez Where is spiritual and physical needs Sumithra Y M Wishes for a very happy Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola...Let us Counter Reform ourselves in these difficult confusing days.. Sumithra Y M Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus kindly pray blessings upon me for God's grace on my birthday..This day.. Angelina Joseph Kabbush Pray for peace and unity among christians especially the Catholic. Claudia Olimpia Rus Please Please pray for Claudiu Dorin Claudia Olimpia Amen. Gregory Pio Marshall-Ofh Remember our brothers and sisters around the world, suffering for their faith. Pray for me as I adjust to my new lifestyle changes. Remember the homeless, those who have no one to pray for them. Those that are hungry. For couples and women considering abortion, Remember Judy Hill who is suffering from cancer. William C. Querrey Pray for me and all sinners! Karen Folds Deliverance, restoration, conversion, and healing of my family and I. And for my enemies both visible and invisible. And let no evil or weapons formed against me prosper, stop those who plot against me deaden the tongues of those who speak against me. Tommy Kinsella Jesus make me a Saint! For all my prayer intentions! Healing of injuries and afflictions and illness! Memory! Adoration! Wisdom! Concentration! Gratitude! To make great spiritual and other progress today and this week! God bless you! SrCatherine Anthony Discernment & Thanksgiving. Linda Mary Montano Divine Justice Denise Szabo Come Holy Spirit and give us the faith of a mustard seed. Help us to discern God's will for our lives and give us the grace to do it this day Rogervic Mattal .......Lord grow us... Albert Monillas For acceptance Samantha Rose Starr Please pray for my special intentions. Pray for Dalton who works in the path of storms in the Gulf. Pray for my dear brother Dr. Richard Raczka's repose of his soul. Thank you kindly for your prayers. ❤ ?❤ Tsegureda Rufael Amen???♥️♥️♥️???? Bill Donahue I pray for the Poorest of the Poor that God will bless them..... Rogervic Mattal .......Lord hear us... Betty Bond Mendenhall My sister, Judy, lung cancer. Jamie Anderson Personal intentions Carol Xavier For Lillian as she passing on to glory!! Donna Cournoyer Please dear Lord fill the world leaders with whatever they need to move towards peaceful times. thank you Lord. Tom Sulla Pray for my sick wife, surgery tomorrow!!!! Li Cruz FOR ALL THE PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS AROUND THE WORLD, OUR DIVINE HELP SAYS......."I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS." Barbara Stawiasz Please pray for my intentions Albert Cioffoletti Praying for my friend, Dusty, who is fighting cancer ... may the touch of Jesus heal him Albert Cioffoletti Praying for my 'cousins' Carol & Joanne who are under treatment for cancer .... may the touch of Jesus heal them Teresa Burkholder Benavides Personal intentions My husband My family My loved ones For world peace For all in need In Jesus Name Amen Margaret Dillon For my complete healing of fatigue depression anxiety insomnia sadness and addictions to cigarettes also for the complete healing and conversions of the Dillon and Mcintosh family trees and the Sheriff and Black family trees for all my daily novenas intentions and all the petitions i offer up during the holy mass thank you and God bless you all abundantly Rogervic Mattal .......please pray for me....I have lost electricity in my house last night...and I am having difficulties finding an electrician......will also not be able to post for awhile...thank you for your prayers... Alfred O. Brown Jr. Please pray for Eric's healing.May God heal in spirit, soul, and body.May he turn to Jesus and be saved from this world and all the lusts there in.Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have mercy on Eric...Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for Eric.St Michael, fly to Eric's rescue!!! in Jesus name Amen!!! Alfred O. Brown Jr. Thank You. Mary Tony Urgent prayers for healing and needs Aida Longhi Please pray for an elderly friend that took a seriously bad fall! Laurence Martin Praying for a speedy recovery. Aida Longhi Laurence, amen! Aida Longhi Also for wisdom and for a special intention! Amen Laurence Martin I pray for the gift of discernment for my Brothers and Sisters as I pray that in due time I may be admitted as a full member. I have walked in the way of Blessed Francis since 1984, first as an aspirant to the First Order, and I have been in life profession in the Third Order of the Society of St. Francis, the Anglican Franciscans. My desire for full membership of the Order of Franciscan Hermits is to learn the true path of a Franciscan hermit and to discover how I can adapt my daily life, recognising that I need support, guidance and prayers from you, my Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. May the Lord bless you all and keep you all. May his face shine upon you all and be gracious unto you all May He lift up the light of His countenance upon you all and give you peace. My brothers and Sisters, may the Lord bless you all, now and always. Amen Rogervic Mattal .......Peace and Blessings....... Laurence Martin Rogervic Mattal May God, through the Blessed Francis richly bless you always. Theresa Canaan I'm looking forward to my day as OFH Theresa Canaan Please pray for us as a family of Franciscans that we may share as OFH candidates To join us to Brothers and sisters with love and peace and to walk in the Franciscan Charism BrotherPaul Ofh Thank You Lord for the opportunity to Ask for our needs for you said, "Ask and You Shall Receive." You know the desire of our hearts and we pray that you continue to show Mercy on us. We are sorry for our sins and pray that we may be made worthy of your promises. Thank You Lord, We Love You.
We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For all of our World Leaders that they may be guided by the Lord and make ethical decisions to bring about World Peace and end hunger, all violence and terrorism, poverty and loss of innocent lives. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, have addictions, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Joy Anne Gonsalves Praying for the intentions on this post.... sometimes the list that follows this one is long and apparently is getting longer each day, and there is not always enough time to attend fully with each and all.... Yet we place all the intentions with love into the Heart of our God who knows and responds with 'Saving Love'... "Dear Lord, hear our prayer...." Rogervic Mattal .......Amen... Stephanie Drury Intentions Barbara Stawiasz PLEASE for my intentions.Thank you so much. Gina Valladao Charity of Heart And the holy Soul's in Purgatory and for world Peace and all unbelievers peace in all families!!!❤❤❤ Bernie Sarratea After 2yrs of interviews, I finally have a job... but now I need open heart surgery in mid September.... asking for prayers for a safe and healthy recovery, and not lose my job while recovering. In Jesus' most Holy Name.... Amen Rogervic Mattal .......Lord hear this prayer... Nestor Limqueco We pray for the intentions of the Holy pontiff. We pray for the success of PCNE 4 new Evangelization Conference in the Philippines. We pray the intentions of the Institute, the Company of St. Dominic. We pray for the sick especially From. Benildo Jun Pilande. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord.Amen Robert Anthony Villamor Ofh We pray that the Lord send forth His Holy Spirit upon those who proclaim and listen to His word today so that they may truly discern His message and His will. Monica Melgoza Restoration Gregory Pio Marshall-Ofh Remember our brothers and sisters around the world, suffering for their faith. Pray for me as I adjust to my new lifestyle changes. Remember the homeless, those who have no one to pray for them. Those that are hungry. For couples and women considering abortion, Remember Judy Hill who is suffering from cancer. Laurence Martin Amen and Amen. Rogervic Mattal .......Lord bring your loving presence...helping Brother Gregory through these life style changes....... Claudia Olimpia Rus Please please pray for Claudiu Dorin Claudia Olimpia Amen. Laurence Martin Amen. Joy Marzynski ?? continued prayer for sanctity, growth in holiness and humility, and deepening of spirituality for all of us. Albert Cioffoletti Praying for the 'soul' of my brother in law, Bob (1946-2016) ... may he have eternal rest in Jesus Albert Cioffoletti Praying for my friend, Dusty, who is fighting cancer ... may he be touched by the healing touch of Jesus Albert Cioffoletti Praying for my 'cousins' Carol & Joanne, who are fighting cancer ... may they be touched by the healing touch of Jesus Albert Cioffoletti Praying for my Franciscan brothers & sisters as they labor in the Lord's vineyard .... may they have strength and fortitude Albert Cioffoletti Praying for 'forgiveness' ... myself and all sinners ... at the feet of Divine Mercy Rogervic Mattal .......Lord Jesus Christ...Son of God... have mercy on me a sinner....... Eric Erickson For the mentally ill and the incarcerated and their caregivers and families. Rogervic Mattal .......Lord bring your Kindness...Healing and Hope....... Linda Mary Montano Holy Spirit teach me Denise Szabo Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. May we always search for the pearl of great price and never count the cost. Tommy Kinsella Jesus make me a Saint! For all my prayer intentions! Healing of injuries and afflictions and illness! Memory! Adoration! Wisdom! Concentration! Gratitude! Matthew and Jennifer healing and salvation! Financial improvement! To make great spiritual and other progress today and this week! God bless you! William Alan Robinson Dear Brothers and Sisters, please continue to pray with me for my sister Marcia. There has been some improvement as God hears our prayers. Thank you. Albert Monillas Praying for the spirit of Francis to enter all our hearts, a spirit of love and joy! William C. Querrey Pray for me and all sinners!Please pray Ginger Adams and her family at the loss of her Mother. FrCharles Allen Prayers for John, KC, Fr. Anthony, KW, and for the unborn. Li Cruz DEAREST LORD, ARM THE PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS AROUND THE WORLD WITH STEADY AND UNFAILING HOPE THAT GOD ALMIGHTY WILL NEVER ABANDON THEM. Bill Donahue Pray for Mentally and physically challenged people.....thank you. Rogervic Mattal .......Lord bring your Healing and Hope....... Samantha Rose Starr Please pray for my special intentions. Pray for world peace. ? Pray for my dear brother Dr. Richard Raczka's repose of his soul. Thank you kindly for your prayers. ❤ ? ❤ Jose R. Colon My family Carole Dupuy ?✝️ Bonnie Weimer Poirier For those who are quietly suffering and living in fear Rogervic Mattal .......Lord bring your Healing Touch....... Margaret Dillon For my complete healing of fatigue depression anxiety insomnia sadness and addictions to cigarettes also for the repose of the soul of my father Matthew Dillon and all my deceased family members and ancestors for the healing and conversions of the Dillon and Mcintosh family tree and the Sherriff and Black family trees for all my daily novenas intentions and all the petitions i offer up during the holy mass thank you and God bless you all abundantly Rogervic Mattal .......Lord help us....... Sumithra Y M Pray for all those who are misled by theories not promoted by the catholic church Carol Young Lemon Praise & thanksgiving for preserving & protecting LIFE Elena Starr That all our prayers be answered Amen Richard Valdez Like to ask the intercession of Saint Joseph that I can sell my house in Albuquerque Donna Cournoyer Thank you lord for watching over my love ones the way you do. ✌️? Rogervic Mattal .......to persevere in doing each day what I need to do... to stay...as healthy as possible ...in my physical body...emotional body...mental body...and spiritual body...and to share Jesus's love with others....... Annemarie Cota For peace and mercy in our world and healing for my family, and for everyone's special intentions. May the Lord bring us strength and peace?? Karen Folds Deliverance, restoration, conversion, and healing of my family and I. And for my enemies both visible and invisible. And stop those who plot against me deaden the tongues of those who speak against. Denise Szabo May our Lord's peace be with you and all your loved ones Tsegureda Rufael Prayer for our wounded ? and for our human family Jeanne Buffy For Ginger W. battling cancer. Victoria Pendleton Lord hear our prayer ? Jeanne Buffy Thank you. BrotherPaul Ofh Thank You Lord for the opportunity to Ask for our needs for you said, "Ask and You Shall Receive." You know the desire of our hearts and we pray that you continue to show Mercy on us. We are sorry for our sins and pray that we may be made worthy of your promises. Thank You Lord, We Love You.
We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For all of our World Leaders that they may be guided by the Lord and make ethical decisions to bring about World Peace and end hunger, all violence and terrorism, poverty and loss of innocent lives. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, have addictions, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Stephanie Drury Intentions Gina Valladao Charity of Heart And the holy Soul's in Purgatory and for world Peace and all unbelievers peace in all families!!!❤❤❤ Victoria Pendleton Please pray for my special intention ? Nestor Limqueco We pray for the intentions of the Institute Company of St. Dominic. We also pray for the sanctification of clergy. We pray for more vocations in Consecrated life. For the complete healing of Fr. Benildo Jun Pilande. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and the powerful Intercession of the Blessed Lady. Amen. Claudia Olimpia Rus Please Please pray for us Claudiu Dorin Claudia Olimpia Amen. Joy Marzynski ?? continued prayer for sanctity, growth in holiness and humility, and deepening of spirituality for all of us. William C. Querrey Pray for me and all sinners! Linda Mary Montano Direction Gerard Fagan Prayers for Eddie and for those newly diagnosed with cancer. Stretch out your healing hand to them O Lord! Andy Heasman For everyone in my rosary note book and the holy souls in purgatory. ☘ William Alan Robinson Please continue to pray for my sister Marcia. She needs our prayers, Thank you Brothers and Sisters. Denise Szabo Pray that we may grow in the virtue of hospitality. St Martha pray for us Denise Szabo When we pray for others our love for them grows. When love grows so does God's kingdom. Let us pray especially for our "enemies " Jim Goodin For The Eternal Word Television Network and its vital mission of evangelization. Albert Monillas For widows who mourn and cannot seem to get their lives together. Li Cruz MAY THE PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS AROUND THE WORLD ALWAYS REMEMBER , GOD , OUR LORD, SHEPHERDS THE FLOCK HE GUIDES. .HE IS ALWAYS WITH US. Albert Cioffoletti Praying for my friend, Dusty, who if fighting cancer ... may the touch of Jesus heal him Albert Cioffoletti Praying for my 'cousins' Carol & Joanne who are fighting cancer ... may the touch of Jesus heal them Albert Cioffoletti Continued prayers for my Franciscan brothers & sisters who labor in the Lord's vineyard ... may they continue to receive strength and fortitude in their work <3 Laurence Martin Amen Samantha Rose Starr Please pray for those who have no one to pray for them. Pray for my special intentions. Pray for my dear brother Dr. Richard Raczka's repose of his soul. Thank you kindly for your prayers. ❤ ? ❤ Bill Donahue I pray for my friends who live secular lives........they are missing so much.... Margaret Dillon For my complete healing of fatigue depression anxiety insomnia sadness and addictions to cigarettes also for all my daily novenas intentions and all the petitions i offer up during the holy mass thank you and God bless you all abundantly Karen Folds Deliverance, restoration, conversion, and healing of my family and I. And for my enemies both visible and invisible Barbara Stawiasz For my intentions and healing Tommy Kinsella Jesus make me a Saint! For all my prayer intentions! Healing of injuries and afflictions and illness! Memory! Adoration! Wisdom! Concentration! Gratitude! To make great spiritual and other progress today and this week! God bless you! Donna Cournoyer Peace Justice Equality and Freedom.....for all people. Thank You Lord. Arne Causijn Being able to learn spiritual lessons from other religion, in order to become better christians. Tolerance towards those who consider themselves attached to various traditions. God created Himself, in various forms. His teachings by the various religions, in the first place. As long we do no harm, ... . Let live in peace and appreciate the diversity of Creation. Victoria Pendleton Lord hear our prayer Tom Sulla Pray for my sick wife!!! Amen Laurence Martin She is in my prayers. Rogervic Mattal .......with God's grace...treating oneself with kindness...and letting kindness and love be shared from the heart with others....... Laurence Martin Amen. Elena Starr That I may wait patiently for your Divine Providence BrotherPaul Ofh Thank You Lord for the opportunity to Ask for our needs for you said, "Ask and You Shall Receive." You know the desire of our hearts and we pray that you continue to show Mercy on us. We are sorry for our sins and pray that we may be made worthy of your promises. Thank You Lord, We Love You.
We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For all of our World Leaders that they may be guided by the Lord and make ethical decisions to bring about World Peace and end hunger, all violence and terrorism, poverty and loss of innocent lives. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, have addictions, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Sumithra Y M God save all of us from unforeseen circumstances and difficulties in the name of Jesus Victoria Pendleton Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mr Powell ? Stephanie Drury Intentions Gina Valladao Charity of Heart And the holy Soul's in Purgatory and for world Peace and all unbelievers peace in all families!!!❤❤❤ Nestor Limqueco We pray for the fruitful outcome of PCNE 4. We also include the sick and the dying especially for the complete healing of Fr. Benildo Jun Pilande. We also include the intentions of the Institute. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and the powerful Intercession of the Blessed Lady. Amen Barbara Stawiasz Please hear my prayers Tommy Kinsella Jesus make me a Saint! For all my prayer intentions! Healing of injuries and afflictions! Adoration! Wisdom! Concentration! Memory! Gratitude! For Father Martin healing of great physical affliction return to ministry! To make great spiritual and other progress today and this week! God bless you! Annemarie Cota For peace, charity and mercy in our world and a conversion of our political leaders to civility. Also for healing for Margaret, John and myself and all those who have no one to pray for them in Jesus' name I pray. Monica Melgoza Restoration Claudia Olimpia Rus Please Please pray for Claudiu Dorin Claudia Olimpia Amen. Denise Szabo A beloved child of God and temple of the Holy Spirit David Louis Jacobi Continued prayers for my aunt as she recovers from E.coli poisoning. Doctors told her she was so deficient of protein that she was just about to the point of malnutrition. Albert Cioffoletti Praying for my Franciscan brothers & sisters as they labor in the Lord's vineyard ... may they be given strength and blessed Albert Cioffoletti Praying for my friend, Dusty and 'cousins' Carol & Joanne who are battling cancer ... may the healing hand of Jesus touch each of them Albert Cioffoletti Praying that the Holy Spirit may send more vocations to the religious life and priesthood Albert Cioffoletti Praying for the 'homeless', the 'lonely', the 'hungry' ... may the Divine Mercy be with them Joy Marzynski ?? continued prayer for sanctity, growth in holiness and humility, and deepening of spirituality for all of us. Joy Marzynski Prayer request for my brother, Bruce, who is undergoing tests for severe cardiac arrhythmia, that he may be graced with God's strength in bearing with whatever journey God has planned for him. Arne Causijn To silence the dark side of myself as it feeds the dark side of the universe, as it steals energy and attention. God, heal me from internal evil, amen. Laurence Martin May the light of Christ flood your inmost being with His glorious light, dispelling all evil thoughts and desires, making you whole in body, mind and spirit. Albert Monillas Lumen Christi! William Alan Robinson Brothers and Sisters, please pray for my sister Marcia, she is in ICU. Andy Heasman Pls pray for my family the protection of my children the conversion of my wife that peace will come upon them. And if u can fit me in for my prayer life it went through a dry patch and need perseverance and trust to keep going in this battle thank you and God bless ☘ ☘ ☘ JMJF Albert Monillas We all must experience the abyss in order to behold the mountain, my friend Denise Szabo Pray that we may bear much fruit by the grace of God. Linda Mary Montano Divine Discernment Jim Goodin For patience and inspiration for all those experiencing spiritual dryness on their journey to growing closer to Our Lord. Li Cruz GOD, OUR FATHER, I CONFIDENTLY, PLACE IN YOU THE FATE OF THE PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS AROUND THE WORLD, HAVE MERCY DIVINE REDEEMER! William C. Querrey Pray for me and all sinners! Michael Potvin-Frost For restoration to full health for my Aunt Laurie, if it be God's will. Albert Monillas That the teenager running away from home finds the love of Christ instead of drugs, gangs and debauchery Victoria Pendleton Lord hear our prayer ? Samantha Rose Starr Please pray for my special intentions. Pray for the downtrodden and oppressed. Pray for my dear brother Dr. Richard Raczka's repose of his soul. Thank you kindly for your prayers. ❤ ? ❤ Bill Donahue For my wonderful Wife. May God bless her forever. Raul N Baldevia Praying for my faith and vocation as a pilgrim hermit. Tom Sulla Prayers for my sick wife! Jesus heal her! Amen! Karen Folds Deliverance, restoration, conversion, and healing of my family and I. And for my enemies both visible and invisible. Barbara Stawiasz My same intentions Carol Young Lemon Praise & Thanksgiving for protecting me & precious new life Elena Starr Prayers for perseverance , finances , better jobs and our anniversary Thanks Mary Tony healing and our needs, protection from racial discrimination, threats and harassment by landlord Margaret Dillon For my complete healing of fatigue depression anxiety insomnia sadness and addictions to cigarettes also for all my daily novenas intentions and all the petitions i offer up during the holy mass thank you and God bless you all abundantly Rogervic Mattal .......Lord hear our prayers the ones spoken...and the ones deep in our hearts... BrotherPaul Ofh Thank You Lord for the opportunity to Ask for our needs for you said, "Ask and You Shall Receive." You know the desire of our hearts and we pray that you continue to show Mercy on us. We are sorry for our sins and pray that we may be made worthy of your promises. Thank You Lord, We Love You.
We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For all of our World Leaders that they may be guided by the Lord and make ethical decisions to bring about World Peace and end hunger, all violence and terrorism, poverty and loss of innocent lives. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, have addictions, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Gina Valladao Charity of Heart And the holy Soul's in Purgatory and for world Peace and all unbelievers peace in all families!!!❤❤❤ Alfred Pang We pray for all who are sick and dying. Heart of Jesus once in agony have mercy on the dying and dead. Nestor Limqueco Praying for good and fair weather in the Philippines. The intentions of the Institute Company of St Dominic. The Complete healing of Fr. Benildo Jun Pilande. For the birthday intentions of Bishop Leopoldo Jaucianand Sr. Mary Reyes, OP. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and the powerful Intercession of the Blessed Lady. Amen Tommy Kinsella Jesus make me a Saint! For all my prayer intentions! Healing of injuries and afflictions and illness! Memory! Adoration! Wisdom! Concentration! Gratitude! To make great spiritual and other progress today and this week! God bless you! Stephanie Drury Intentions Annemarie Cota For mercy and understanding from the leaders of our country. For healing for John, Max, Margaret and myself and in thanksgiving for God's graces. Claudia Olimpia Rus Please Please pray for us : Claudiu Dorin Claudia Olimpia Amen. Pauli Martin I love St. Francis and many saints. I know humility is the rock of all virtues. Please pray for me so I can keep living and doing Gods will. Please pray for my husband and children and me to be healed mind,body,soul and spirit.Foe our finances. I want to be able to pay back people who have helped us and help my children and the homeless more. Thankyou! God bless You all! Rj Guzzo Please pray for my family and my soul. God bless you! Barbara Stawiasz Please pray for my intentions.Thank you. Pauli Martin I will be praying for you all! Joy Marzynski And I for you. ?? Pauli Martin Thanks soo much! God bless!??? Joel Molit Please help me pray for my eldest sister Enelita Molit Mosqueda for she has kidney failure. her life limits only up to Dec this year. Please pray for us. Thank you.catmon, cebu, philippines Arne Causijn To be healed from religious doubt and be protected from the devil and his allies. Albert Monillas Doubt is good as long as it strengthens your belief FrCharles Allen For all those who are suffering from invisible illnesses. Máire Ni Duacháin Amen Gregory Pio Marshall-Ofh Please pray that we are open to God's leading each and everday. Remember the homeless and those who have no one to pray for them. For couples and women considering abortion. For Judy Hill suffering from cancer, given less than 6 months. Remember our brothers and sisters around the world suffering because of their faith. William Alan Robinson Brothers and Sisters, please pray for my sister Marcia. She is in ICU in serious need of God's Intercession. Thank you. Jim Goodin For all the children who are victims of emotional abuse and its lingering effects into later life. Richard Valdez Pray for a safe trip from Albuquerque to Cheyenne Wyoming Joy Marzynski ?? continued prayer for sanctity, growth in holiness and humility, and deepening of spirituality for all of us. Linda Mary Montano for DIVINE DISCERNMENT Li Cruz HEAVENLY FATHER, DELIVER THE PERSECUTED THE PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS FROM THEIR WICKED ENEMIES. HELP THEM INCREASE THIEIR TRUST IN YOU. Albert Monillas Pray for those crying today that their sorrows be lifted Richard Valdez Pray for my neuropathy in my feet hurt all the time Karen Folds Deliverance, restoration, conversion, and healing of my family and I. And for my enemies both visible and invisible Samantha Rose Starr Please pray for my special intentions. Pray for those who don't have adequate funds to take care of themselves. Pray for my dear brother Dr. Richard Raczka's repose of his soul. Thank you kindly for your prayers. ❤ ? ❤ SrCatherine Anthony Pray for those on retreat this week. Peggy Rowe-Linn For the safety of all travelers, especially my daughter and granddaughters this weekend. Peggy Rowe-Linn For Kim T., who is in a persistent vegetative state and for her husband, Robert T., who has continued to love and care for her daily for 13 years. May our Lord and Savior continue to sustain both of them as their finances have dwindled and their children are unable to help. May their friends be kind and merciful. May generosity be incredibly overwhelming. Bill Donahue I pray for addicted people that God will help and heal them....... Denise Szabo Pray that we may see and hear our God so that we may serve the Lord with our lives. Tom Sulla Pray for my sick wife and all those who are ill! Albert Cioffoletti Continued prayers for my Franciscan brothers & sisters as the labor in the Lord's vineyard ... may he give them strength and fortitude Albert Cioffoletti Continued prayers for my friend, Dusty, who is fighting cancer & is starting a 'new' round of chemo ... may he receive healing Albert Cioffoletti Continued prayers for my 'cousins' Carol and Joanne who are fighting cancer ... may the healing hands of Jesus touch them Robert Anthony Villamor Ofh Praying for those experiencing various difficulties in life. May the Holy Spirit show them the way so that they may overcome their challenges and experience fully the goodness of life which God had planned for them. Mary who unties knots, with motherly love, undo the knots in our lives and help free us from the knots and confusion with which our enemy the devil, attacks, so that we may be free of sin and error in order to unite with God and be of service to our brethren. Vena Ward Sfo I pray 4 all my intentions and 4 all my friends Alfred O. Brown Jr. May The Light of Christ shine in the life of Eric McDonald"Heavenly Father, please have mercy upon the soul of Eric McDonald.Please draw Eric to Jesus Christ.Please open his eyes to love of God hanging on the Cross.May He find life and hope through the wounds of Jesus Christ and may he find deliverance and healing the the Precious Blood Of Jesus.Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus rescue Eric.Immaculate Heart of Mary Pray for Eric.We ask all these blessing in the name of Jesus Christ...Amen!!!Jesus, Mary I love you Save Souls!!! Margaret Dillon For my complete healing of fatigue depression anxiety insomnia sadness and addictions to cigarettes also for the complete healing and conversions of the Dillon and Mcintosh family tree and the Sherriff and Black family trees for the repose of the soul of my father Matthew Dillon and all my deceased family members and ancestors for all the sick homeless needy poor hungry elderly infirmed imprisoned refugees asylum seekers missionaries worldwide to be blessed in every area of their lives for all the holy souls and the salvation of the dying for world peace and conversion of Russia and communist countries for our Lady of Fatimas intentions and for the holy father the popes intentions for this month for the complete healing of my husband James Sherriff of asbestosis and his conversion also for a blessing of pure love and respect in my marriage and all marriages and for my son and niece to be blessed with knowledge wisdom memory and understanding to pass any exams that comes their way leading them both to apprenticeship also for him and all my family and friends to go back to mass and pray the rosary with love and devotion for an abundance of holy priest and religious vocations for all my daily novenas intentions and all the petitions i offer up during the holy mass thank you and God bless you all abundantly Kathy Ford For everyone has shoulder injuries, in need of hip or knee replacements and any kind of joint problems. For full and complete recoveries, no matter what the cause. Amen Pauli Martin Thankyou!?? Laurence Martin Amen and Amen. (I am one of those who suffers, but joyfully!) Kathy Ford We can all learn something from you Lawrence. Thank you. Laurence Martin Kathy Ford I can say with certainty at this moment in time that I am joyful, but in such awful pain. Yet I know that there are so many people either in pain or facing imminent death believing that there is no one to pray for them. Thank you for allowing God to prompt me with this reply. Every blessing. Rogervic Mattal .......praying for those people who are suffering from addiction and mental health problems...that they find compassionate and competent practitioners...so they can regain meaningful lives and experience ongoing recovery and growth....... BrotherPaul Ofh Thank You Lord for the opportunity to Ask for our needs for you said, "Ask and You Shall Receive." You know the desire of our hearts and we pray that you continue to show Mercy on us. We are sorry for our sins and pray that we may be made worthy of your promises. Thank You Lord, We Love You. |
August 2024