We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For all of our World Leaders that they may be guided by the Lord and make ethical decisions to bring about World Peace and end hunger, all violence and terrorism, poverty and loss of innocent lives. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, have addictions, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Pat Park Amen Peter MacNaughton Lord, hear our prayer. Nestor Limqueco We ask the Intercessions of Mary, Queen of angels, St. Michael,St. Gabriel and Raphael to protect and guard the Mother Church from all her foes. We pray for the sick and the dying. We also include who celebrate their birthdays and Sacerdotal Anniversary. We pray for the souls in purgatory. In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Lord .Amen Gina Valladao Charity of Heart And the holy Soul's in Purgatory and for world Peace and all unbelievers peace in all families!!!❤❤❤JMJ Sumithra Y M Happy Feast of the Archangels Sumithra Y M Prayers for all of us to live in FAITH, HOPE and LOVE Mary Ziga Please pray for healing of my legs and please pray and ask God to help me get rid of all this stress that I'm under Denise Szabo Grant peace and healing Lord, we pray Mary Ziga ??? Rogervic Mattal .......Lord bring your healing presence....... Theresa Canaan We must not forget prayers for Saint Michael Joy Marzynski We don't pray for St. Michael or any other Saint. They are in heaven, and there is nothing we can do for them, as everything they have in God is now complete. We pray to them, asking for their intercession, to not for. Peter MacNaughton Theresa, love this sentiment. St. Michael is one of my patrons: my hermitage takes it's name from St. Michael. Don't be discouraged about the wording. Joy I think is bringing to mind the reality that even those of us who have practiced our faith fo...See More Theresa Canaan We as Franciscans are prayer instrument for God to share the love word and peace Christ and to share all that is good so we must let god bless us in time it's always trust without asking from God he will provide the word of god without love there's no hope faith seek all that is good and peace Manuel Boby AMEN.. Theresa Canaan Bother Paul is always a inspiration to me BrotherPaul Ofh Thank You Theresa... I come each day motivated by the LOVE I receive by all of you in the OFH and the Lord's Call to Serve Dorothy Breslin Ofs easing of physical pain on left side and family return home soon. Kriz Khustah Urtgah Through the intercession of the archangel Sts Michael, Gabriel and Raphael may the young people all over the world may be protected from all the attack of satan through materialism, pornography, addiction... that they may receive healing, guidance and enlightenment... sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.... Pray for us! Stephanie Drury Intentions Margaret Dillon Please pray for the repose of the soul of my father Matthew Dillon and all my deceased family members and ancestors. For all the holy souls and the salvation of the dying. For the sick homeless needy poor hungry elderly infirmed imprisoned refugees asylum seekers missionaries worldwide to be blessed in every area of their lives. For world peace and conversion of Russia and communist countries. For our Lady of Fatima intentions and the holy Father the popes intentions for this month. For an abundance of holy priest and religious vocations. To abolish abortions and euthanasia. For the complete healing and conversions of the Dillon and Mcintosh family trees and the Sherriff and Black family trees. For my son to be blessed with knowledge wisdom memory and understanding to pass his cscs test leading him to an apprenticeship also for him and all my family and friends to go back to mass and pray the rosary with love and devotion. .for the complete healing of my husband James Sherriff of asbestosis of the lungs and insomnia anxiety low mood addictions to cigarettes. Also for James Sherriff to have remorse for taking our Lords name in vain that he will be blessed with a love of the holy name of Jesus and the Sacred heart of Jesus and the immaculate heart of Mary. Leading him to conversion in to the Catholic Church. For the complete healing of my brother Matthew of alcohol addiction. For my own healing of fatigue insomnia sadness low mood slow metabolism underactive thyroid. Please pray that I will be blessed with natural sleep to awake filled with energy love and joy to attend daily mass and pray the rosary with love and devotion. For all the petitions i offer up during the holy mass and all my novena intentions and for all the people who ask me to pray for them. Thank you. William Alan Robinson Brothers and Sisters, Please pray for the People of the world striving for self determination and INDEPENDENCE. Pray for their happiness and PEACE. Pray for the poor and for the children. Karen McAleavy Mansfield Heal me, Lord Gregory Pio Marshall Lord, we thank you for the cloud of witnesses who remind us that loving you is a perpetual call to active duty. Grant us both passion and courage to answer the call to peace and justice, no matter where it might lead us. Pat Park Amen Laurence Martin Amen. Rogervic Mattal .......Amen... Benedict Joseph Baldevia Ofh Prayer for old aged priest and religious.... for all jobless and suffering from emotional distress and for our own humility, patience and perseverance....for our daily repentance and peace within us. Laurence Martin Amen and Amen. Denise Szabo Lord we praise your great glory. Thank you for the beauty of earth and all your creatures. Thank you for the gift of your angels and their protection, messages, and healing. Pat Park Please pray for the willingness to trust God for His provision of daily bread and the power to be content with what He gives rather than clinging tightly to the idea of what I selfishly desire. Laurence Martin Me, too. AMEN. Linda Mary Montano Correct Behavior Aida Longhi Praying for wisdom, patience and truth...amen Dee L Ewing Prayers for my step daughter, Julie, as she goes through treatment for cervical cancer. Laurence Martin Amen. Karen Folds Deliverance, restoration, conversion, and healing of my family and I and for my enemies both visible and invisible Guidance, protection, and defense from evil and harm. Let no evil or weapons formed against us prosper, stop those who plot against us, and deaden the tongues of those who speak against us. Forgiveness, understanding and financial blessings. LORD please give us all the blessings, graces, and gifts we need for our state of lives. AND MOST OF ALL HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS. Please restore my family I miss my babies so much I want my family back and today can't than handle it that much today I know GOD has a plan but it hurts so bad much worse more and more. Help me forgive. satan I command you in the name of JESUS CHRIST. leave my family alone my 4 sons, 2 sisters ,mother,2 neices, nephew, aunts,uncles,and over 100 cousins .LORD wake them up and show them how they're being deceived by the evil one. Remind them the truth they knew but never changed. Laurence Martin Amen. Samantha Rose Starr Please pray for my special intentions. Pray for victims of natural disasters. Pray for victims who are in captivity. Pray for peace with North Korea. ❤ ? ❤ Laurence Martin Amen. Tana Dale prayers for my son Scott who is out of state regarding a business/job opportunity...please pray that things go well...thank you William C. Querrey Pray for me and all sinners! Barbara Stawiasz I pray for my intentions and my healing. Laurence Martin I pray for all who are in pain following orthodontic treatment, for I know how they feel. Leslie Barnett I pray that I remember that God is and will be with us as we attend my brother-in-law's memorial on Saturday. Protect us from family dissension. Bring peace to the family gathering. Laurence Martin Amen. Bro Daniel Klementy Ofh Of the requests coming to our Неrmitage: two children have disappeared 16 years old, Roman and Nikolai, Ukraine. I ask confraters, brothers and sisters for joint prayer. There is danger for these young souls. Gregory Pio Marshall Lord hear our prayers Laurence Martin Praying for their safety. Bro Daniel Klementy Ofh Thank you, Dear brother Laurence Martin Jeanne Christianson-McKillop Prayers for all those waiting on help! Peter MacNaughton Giving thanks for the beauty of fall, the simplicity of bread and the taste of ripe tomatoes, the companionship of a dog, a safe warm hermitage, and for love in my life both human and Divine. Praying for those who are cold, who are lost, who are hungry, who are lonely. Claudia Olimpia Rus please pray for my son and for me Claudiu Dorin Claudia Olimpia thank you amen. Laurence Martin Praying for you both. Theresa Canaan ?? Jeanne Rabe Tysinger Let us pray for worldwide restoration of justice, Peaceful resolution of conflicts which are Dividing and harming peoples of All religions, and May we join ttogether our scientific communities To preserve This Planet, that it become healthy And ecologically vibrant ..... Laurence Martin Amen and Amen. Mankind continues to damage God's beautiful creation, just to fulfil their greed. Conflicts and war - humans grabbing for power for themselves. Religious intolerance - we must all remember (Christian, Muslim and Jew) that we worship the same, One True God. Scientists are forward thinkers discovering many wonderful things - their employers again fulfilling their greed. We each play a very small part in the epic production that is God's ongoing creation, so, may our voices merge to shout the message that must be heard. Jeanne Rabe Tysinger Praying for youand your son . Maria Meyer Let us pray for the people from the isles, who lost everything in the storm and seem to be forgotten. Let us always remember that our Lord sees everyone of us! Laurence Martin Amen and Amen. Jeanne Rabe Tysinger Amen. Lord hear our prayers. Rogervic Mattal .......praying for families who are struggling...with internal strife...and with larger struggles with society.......may they be graced with...love...mercy...truth...and perseverance....... Aida Longhi Praying for 4 friends who have family members very ill and addicted to alcohol! Praying for a person to have his heart opened to the prompting of the Holy Spirit! Rogervic Mattal ....... Holy Archangels hear our prayers....... Rj Guzzo Lord please heal me from diabetes. And all souls in the world,purgatory and me. Li Cruz FOR ALL THE PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS AROUND THE WORLD, GENTLE JESUS, PROTECT & SAVE ! Junior Atsop amen Junior Atsop amen Dorothy Breslin Ofs Improvement in health & family unity. BrotherPaul Ofh Thank You Lord for the opportunity to Ask for our needs for you said, "Ask and You Shall Receive." You know the desire of our hearts and we pray that you continue to show Mercy on us. We are sorry for our sins and pray that we may be made worthy of your promises. Thank You Lord, We Love You.
We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For all of our World Leaders that they may be guided by the Lord and make ethical decisions to bring about World Peace and end hunger, all violence and terrorism, poverty and loss of innocent lives. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, have addictions, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Sumithra Y M Amen in the Unfailing Name of Jesus James Cooper Lord in your mercy hear our prayers Mary Ziga Pray for my blood work to come out good Mary Ziga Amen Benedict Joseph Baldevia Ofh LORD JESUS CHRIST TRUE SON OF GOD HAVE MERCY ON POOR AND MISERABLE SINNER. Gina Valladao Charity of Heart And the Holy Souls in Purgatory And for World peace and all unbelievers and for Peace in all families!!!!!❤❤❤JMJ Benedict Joseph Baldevia Ofh Lord Jesus Christ true Son of God have mercy on me poor and miserable sinner. Stephanie Drury Intentions Sumithra Y M Today's prayers are for the Holy Father Pope Francis, Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, all clergy, the Catholic Priests, preachers, the Monks, the heads of all congregations, religious communities, blog writers, and all those labouring to the call of God that they may have health happiness joy peace love and success in their priestly ministry. Albert Cioffoletti Amen ... may the Holy Spirit give them guidance and strength Nestor Limqueco We pray for the intentions of the Mother Church. We also include our departed loved ones especially + Ruel and + Alma. Our personal intentions. In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and the powerful Intercession of the Blessed Lady. Amen Sumithra Y M Praying in Thanksgiving to God who had never abandoned fr. Tom Uzhunalil Sdb in the hands of his abductors as also we pray for the many others who may be subjugated to torture and distress in various corners of the World. Sumithra Y M Praying for priestly vocations and families to let their children to answer God's Call.. Albert Cioffoletti Continued prayers for my Franciscan brothers & sister who labor in the Lord's vineyard ... may the Holy Spirit give them strength and guidance Albert Cioffoletti Praying for my family & friends ... may the Divine Mercy be with each of them Albert Cioffoletti Praying for the victims of the Mexican earthquake and hurricanes Harvey, Irma & Maria ... God give them strength to rebuild their broken lives & homes Kriz Khustah Urtgah For the intention of our Holy Father, for his good health and for the outpouring of the holy spirit as he shepherd the universal church.. Maria Meyer Let us continue to pray for the people who lost almost everything through the heavy storms. May they and wie never loose hope. Anthony Fowler My jen is in critical condition please pray that she'll be ok Gregory Pio Marshall Lord, you have shown us what love looks like. Help us through acts of forgiveness and reconciliation to so love one another that our neighbors know we are your disciples and know that to be good news. Denise Szabo Lord help us to see only you when we gaze upon our sisters and brothers and help us to follow your way of love Karen Folds Deliverance, restoration, conversion, and healing of my family and I and for my enemies both visible and invisible Guidance, protection, and defense from evil and harm. Let no evil or weapons formed against us prosper, stop those who plot against us, and deaden the tongues of those who speak against us. Forgiveness, understanding and financial blessings. LORD please give us all the blessings, graces, and gifts we need for our state of lives. AND MOST OF ALL HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS. Please restore my family I miss my babies so much I want my family back and today can't than handle it that much today I know GOD has a plan but it hurts so bad much worse more and more. Help me forgive. satan I command you in the name of JESUS CHRIST. leave my family alone my 4 sons, 2 sisters ,mother,2 neices, nephew, aunts,uncles,and over 100 cousins .LORD wake them up and show them how they're being deceived by the evil one. Remind them the truth they knew but never changed. Karen McAleavy Mansfield Heal meLord. Pat Park Pray for a heart and spirit of unity among the people of God, that we may truly be one as the Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father, that through our unity the world may know and trust Jesus, the Son whom the Father has sent. William C. Querrey Pray for me and all sinners! Pray that God will intercede for Troy C. Wimberley a young man of 21 hit by a car while walking home to move people to help pay for his funeral and burial. Barbara Stawiasz Oh my prayer intentions. Please Lord hear them.Healing of my kidneys shutting down. Linda Mary Montano DIVINE Discernment..Not my will... Samantha Rose Starr Please pray for my special intentions. Pray for victims of natural disasters. Pray for peace with North Korea. Thank you kindly for your prayers. ❤ ? ❤ Ann McClintock For my Mom with dementia to agree to go live with my Brother so that she is safe and happy.. Bjorn DrakkenSchultz Oes For all those who call themselves "hermits", that through prayer and meditation they might transform their loneliness into holy solitude. May we, through adherence to our respective Rules of Life and a holy obedience to God, come to know that valley of pure and lasting delight known as Carmel. May we all be victorious in our respective hermitages against all snares of ego and selfishness, and come to learn perfect charity, blessed humility, and a deep and resounding joy. Michael Potvin-Frost Amen. Rogervic Mattal .......touch us Lord with your healing presence....... Victoria Pendleton Please pray for the repose of the soul of Tammy, a beautiful lady who passed away yesterday. Laurence Martin May she rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen. John C Maynes God give her peace Jeanne Christianson-McKillop THE GRACE OF COMPASSION: Prayers on prayers for our fellow citizens of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands! God love them and keep them strong to endure so many challenges. ❤️ Laurence Martin Remember too, O Lord, the UK Virgin Islands and provide succour for all those affected by these horrendous hurricanes. Amen. Tsegureda Rufael ???♥️♥️♥️??????? Vena Ward Sfo 4 all our intentions amen Jeanne Rabe Tysinger Let us pray together, through silent contemplative WAYS FOR POSITIVE RESOLUTION TO WORLDWIDE POLITICAL AND SOCIAL TENSIONS Lord hear our prayers Laurence Martin And let our cry come unto Thee. Laurence Martin Lord, I have two Sisters to lift before you. One who is currently in a difficult situation and another who is being attacked by the adversary. I pray that you may give them both the strength to persevere in faith. Amen. Rogervic Mattal .......Lord bring your loving protection... William Alan Robinson Brothers and Sisters, please don't forget the children of Yemen. They have nothing but sickness and hunger. This disaster is manmade. God have Mercy on those countries involved. Laurence Martin Amen. Jeanne Rabe Tysinger Amen. Anthony Fowler And Puerto Rico Laurence Martin Amen. John Anderson Thank you Lord for another day. Please guide my family back to you. Please be with the lost and forgotten, the elderly, sick and dying. Guide the worlds leaders and grant them knowledge and compassion. Bless my Franciscan brothers and sisters in all that they do. Thank you Lord, Amen. Laurence Martin Amen and Amen. Edgar Bartolome Lord hear our prayers. Amen Rogervic Mattal .......please pray for a family member...Kay...who passed away this week...may she...rest in peace...may her three children...Evelyn...Connie...and Joe .....and the entire Mattal and Visconti family...feel your loving presence Lord.......in Jesus's name we pray.......thank you....... Alfred O. Brown Jr. Dear Heavenly Father, please draw Eric McDonald to Jesus. Please help Eric to have saving faith in Jesus.Please help Eric to experience the joys of salvation...Please bless him in the name of Jesus Christ ...Amen !!! Georgia Prescott Dear Lord, please protect Brice. Keep him close to you and angels around him. Please bless him in the name of Jesus. Amen. Junior Atsop amen BrotherPaul Ofh Thank You Lord for the opportunity to Ask for our needs for you said, "Ask and You Shall Receive." You know the desire of our hearts and we pray that you continue to show Mercy on us. We are sorry for our sins and pray that we may be made worthy of your promises. Thank You Lord, We Love You.
We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For all of our World Leaders that they may be guided by the Lord and make ethical decisions to bring about World Peace and end hunger, all violence and terrorism, poverty and loss of innocent lives. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, have addictions, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Albert Cioffoletti Adding my prayers to those of BrotherPaul Ofh Sumithra Y M Amen in the Unfailing Name of Jesus BrotherPaul Ofh For the Repose of the Soul of Brother Domenic Multari's Grandmother who passed away on Tuesday. May his family be comforted in the Lord and the Blessed Mother, and may his Grandmother Rest in Peace Francesco Monaco RIP in paradisum deducant ea angeli.....+ Albert Cioffoletti May the Divine Mercy give Brother Dominic;s grandmother eternal rest and comfort his family Bro Daniel Klementy Ofh RIP + Gina Valladao Charity of Heart And the holy Soul's in Purgatory and for world Peace and all unbelievers peace in all families!!!!❤❤❤JMJ EJ Tiu Ng We pray for Peace here in the Philippines and the whole world Mary Ukonu Please my sweet Jesus send the Holy Spirit upon my daughter vivian as she prepares to take her medical board exams. Dorothy Breslin Ofs Eliminate physical and emotional pain. Albert Cioffoletti Praying for my Franciscan brothers & sisters as they labor in the Lord's vineyard ... may the Holy Spirit give them guidance and strength Albert Cioffoletti Praying for my family & friends ... may God hear and answer their petitions Nestor Limqueco We pray for the intentions of the Holy Pontiff. We pray for the Souls in purgatory especially + Ruel and + Alma. We pray for CSD's intentions. In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and the powerful Intercession of the Blessed Lady .Amen. David Louis Jacobi Prayers for a family in my town. Their 18 year old daughter was found dead today in an apparent suicide. She just graduated high school this past June. Gregory Pio Marshall Pray for all world leaders to seek peaceful resolutions to the growing divide. Remember the homeless, the hungry, those with addictions. Pray for our brothers and sisters around the globe facing persecution due to their faith. Sumithra Y M Prayers for all those holy souls who are in purgatory and especially those who have no one to pray for and all those who are on their death beds and are contemplating suicide, murder. Kriz Khustah Urtgah We pray for all religious in particular for those apostolate taking care of the sick, dying and abandoned because of disability, for there material needs and for there spiritual fervor... Sumithra Y M Prayers for all souls of Catholic priests and Bishops and religious who are In purgatory Denise Szabo Pray that we may hear the cry of the poor and do thy will Lord. St. Vincent de Paul pray for us. Vena Ward Sfo We pray 4 world peace and 4 peace.healing.unity in all our familys 4 all out priests 4 the holy souls and 4 all my friends who have asked.4.prayers amen Nick Sant Nicola I PRAY THE VICTORY OF MY PROJECTS! Samantha Rose Starr Please pray for my special intentions. Pray for victims of natural disasters. Pray for peace with North Korea. Thank you kindly for your prayers. ❤ ? ❤ Maria Meyer Let us pray for the people in Puerto Rico, living without power and lacking many necessary things, may they keep hope , praying for all of us to keep hope and faith . Dee L Ewing Prayers for my step daughter, Julie Gatelaro, who is going to Cancer Center of America today to start treatment. Pat Park Continue to pray for a grieving family and for those who comfort them. May the God of all comfort be the source of true comfort and peace for them. Mary K Naples Please pray for my Daughter Angela. Pray for comfort and speedy help . Jeanne Christianson-McKillop Thank God! Prayers are answered - Kurt and Kelly Soukup were reported to be seen and doing well on the island of Viegus. The National Guard arrived yesterday bringing some water. I know my friend Jane is relieved her children are found safe. Amen! Keep praying for the residents of Puerto Rico. Thank you for praying my friends. Magdala Casey For the gentle repose of the soul of Sr. Helen Bernice SSG, who died early this morning at age 103. A true "servant of the servants of God." Stephanie Drury Intentions Andreya Allen Praying for those suffering in any way, may Peace enter their lives❤️??? Barbara Stawiasz Please hear my intentions and my healing. Eric Erickson For the mentally ill, the incarcerated their families and caregivers. William Alan Robinson Brothers and Sisters, Please pray for the People of Korea, North and South. Especially for the children. Elli Monk Beloved Savior, the Way, Truth, and Life, please keep us all from religious persecution. John Anderson Thank you Lord for another day. Help me to use it wisely. Please be with my family, keep them safe and work in their hearts. Please be with the lost, forgotten, elderly, sick and dying. Comfort them. Please be with the worlds leaders, bless them with wisdom and compassion. Bless my Franciscan brothers and sisters in all that they do. Thank you Lord, Amen Jeanne Rabe Tysinger Praying for world leaders to find peaceful ways in which to UNITE and resolve the issues dividing them ......REGARDLESS OF THEIR POLITICAL OR RELIGIOUS OR RACIAL ORIGIN Jeanne Rabe Tysinger Praying for my Franciscan Brothers and Sisters Karen Folds Deliverance, restoration, conversion, and healing of my family and I and for my enemies both visible and invisible Guidance, protection, and defense from evil and harm. Let no evil or weapons formed against us prosper, stop those who plot against us, and deaden the tongues of those who speak against us. Forgiveness, understanding and financial blessings. LORD please give us all the blessings, graces, and gifts we need for our state of lives. AND MOST OF ALL HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS. Please restore my family I miss my babies so much I want my family back and today can't than handle it that much today I know GOD has a plan but it hurts so bad much worse more and more. Help me forgive. satan I command you in the name of JESUS CHRIST. leave my family alone my 4 sons, 2 sisters ,mother, 2 nieces, nephew, aunts,uncles,and over 100 cousins .LORD wake them up and show them how they're being deceived by the evil one. Remind them the truth they knew but never changed. Rogervic Mattal .......praying for...Peace and Healing...for All who are part of the...OFH...family....... Dave Wulf Ofs Glad to be going home!! Chisom Patrick Giving thanks to God for his grace,gift and love. William C. Querrey Pray for me and all sinners! Please pray for Troy Wimberley II was killed Saturday morning. Was hit by a car and his father has no money to pay for his funeral and burial. Lord please help him! Melchiade Arnaldo San Agustin-Robledo God rest his soul. Kyrie eleison... Rogervic Mattal .......the people in Puerto Rico...are living in severe conditions...with people quietly suffering.......Lord bring your help....... Melchiade Arnaldo San Agustin-Robledo I am asking my Franciscan brothers and sisters for special prayers for my brother and myself, as we feed colonies of stray cats in the inner city, but have encountered hostile people who are bent on preventing us from taking care of stray animals that the Good Lord sends to us. God commands us to care for all His creation, so this is all we are trying to do.... one colony has some kittens as well, we leave them food and water on a regular basis but the security guards there (who have no reason to prevent us as we are not causing any harm, neither are the cats), and take our trays of kibble and water away so as to starve these poor creatures. Please pray to Our Seraphic Father Saint Francis for us and our Holy Mother Clare (who had a love for cats) for us and our care of the stray cats, for their protection and ours as well.... We have so much to deal with already and do not need more obstacles, please ask for God to shine his light and mercy for us through the prayers of His Blessed Mother, Holy Mary of the Angels and all His saints. John C Maynes Brother Paul thank you for your love and dedication. BrotherPaul Ofh You're Welcome... PEACE and LOVE to You and Your Family Abel Soto For all those either about to face or are in the midst of some very dark times. Rogervic Mattal .......Lord help and protect us all....... Kathy Sibley Amen FrCharles Allen For Taylor, Carol, and all members of OFH. BrotherPaul Ofh Thank You Lord for the opportunity to Ask for our needs for you said, "Ask and You Shall Receive." You know the desire of our hearts and we pray that you continue to show Mercy on us. We are sorry for our sins and pray that we may be made worthy of your promises. Thank You Lord, We Love You.
We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For all of our World Leaders that they may be guided by the Lord and make ethical decisions to bring about World Peace and end hunger, all violence and terrorism, poverty and loss of innocent lives. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, have addictions, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Sumithra Y M Amen in the Unfailing Name of Jesus Nestor Limqueco We pray for the sanctification of the whole Church. We also include those who are celebrating their birthdays, sacerdotal anniversaries, wedding anniversaries and profession. We also include the sick ,dying and the poor souls in purgatory. Our intention as institute. In the powerful Name of Jesaus Christ and the powerful intercession of the Blessed Lady.Amen Gina Valladao Charity of Heart And the Holy Souls in Purgatory And for World peace and all unbelievers and for Peace in all families!!!!!❤❤❤ JMJ Margaret Dillon For the repose of the soul of my father Matthew Dillon and all my deceased family members and ancestors. For all the holy souls and the salvation of the dying. For the sick homeless needy poor hungry elderly infirmed imprisoned refugees asylum seekers missionaries worldwide to be blessed in every area of their lives. For the complete healing and conversions of the Dillon and Mcintosh family trees and the Sherriff and Black family trees. For my son to be blessed with knowledge wisdom memory and understanding to pass his cscs test and other exams leading him to an apprenticeship. Also for my son and family members and relatives and friends to go back to mass and pray the rosary with love and devotion. For our Lady of Fatima intentions and the holy Father the popes intentions for this month. For world peace and conversion of Russia and communist countries. For the conversion of the youth worldwide who have gone astray and lost their way in this world. For the healing of mind and body for my niece Odette Greenshields also for Odette to be blessed with an apprenticeship in hairdressing. Please pray that I will be blessed with natural sleep and to awake filled with energy love and joy to attend daily mass and pray the rosary with love and devotion. I desire this petition also for all Catholics. Please pray for my St Pio and Devine Mercy group to flourish in abundance. Also for all the people who have asked me to pray for them. For all my novena intentions and all the petitions i offer up during the holy mass thank you and God bless you all abundantly Carole Dupuy Svp, prions pour Martin Sosa... un enfant nouveau-né qui est très malade...son seul espoir est notre prière... voici la requête de prière: "Te quería pedir un favor tengo un compañero que su hijo recién nacido está grave en la clínica del niño se llama Martín Sosa si podrás difundir para hacer una cadena de oracion, yo sé que vos tenés mucha gente, es la única esperanza en este momento es rezar. Gracias y disculpa la molestia." Please pray for Martin Sosa... a newborn baby who is very sick at the hospital... his only hope is prayer... Please let us pray for Martin Sosa... a newborn child who is very ill... His only hope is our prayer... here is the prayer request: " I wanted to ask you a favor I have a partner that your newborn child is serious at the child clinic is called Martín Sosa if you can spread to make a prayer chain, I know you have a lot of people, is the only hope at this moment It's praying. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience." Please pray for Martin Sosa... a newborn baby who is very sick at the hospital... his only hope is prayer... Margaret Dillon Praying now for complete healing of baby Martin Jeanne Christianson-McKillop Prayers please for the safety of Kurt & Kelly Soukup who live on the small island of Vesques. There are about 1500 residents and not much is known since the hurricanes. Please pray for those waiting for help. Michael Potvin-Frost Mes prières pour le petit Martin. Que le Seigneur le bénisse et lui donne de la santé. My prayers for little Martin. May the lord bless him and give him health. Michael Potvin-Frost Prayers for the Soukup family and for all of Puerto Rico. Mark Bishop Please pray for all those in hospital at the moment. Also pray for wisdom for all those treating people in hospital, so that they can make good decisions Anthony Fowler Please pray for jen that she knows how I feels and feels the same way Sumithra Y M Pray for all those of us who need good guidance and supportive advice on many matters of both spiritual and temporal. I also thank you God though I am nothing at all, you speak to me through priests and lead me to the right path. You are a God true to your promise that you would instruct and lead us.. ONLY GOD grant us the grace to obey you at all times. Kriz Khustah Urtgah Please pray for my grandmother Arda Ortega she's 90 years old as she suffer the pain of old age that the Lord our great comforter may grant her the grace to unite her suffering to the suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ... Gregory Pio Marshall Pray for our President and all world leaders to seek peaceful resolutions to the growing divide. Remember the homeless, the hungry, those with addictions. Pray for our brothers and sisters around the globe facing persecution due to their faith. Linda Mary Montano How to heal Past? Denise Szabo Through our Lord's merciful grace Denise Szabo Pray for all those who are deeply depressed and can find no meaning in life. Rogervic Mattal ........Lord bring your your healing touch....... William Alan Robinson Brothers and Sisters, Please pray for America. David Louis Jacobi Prayers for a friends daughter in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. She is only ten years old. Laurence Martin I hold her before God in prayer for her healing in body, mind and spirit. Barbara Stawiasz Please my Lord hear my intentions. My healing. Tsegureda Rufael ???♥️♥️♥️???? Samantha Rose Starr Please pray for my special intentions. Pray for the victims of natural disasters. Pray for peace with North Korea. Thank you kindly for your prayers. ❤ ? ❤ Mindy Kant Please pray for a special intention. Jose R. Colon Pray for my family in Chicago, Florida and Puerto Rico Stephanie Drury Intentions Donna Cournoyer i pray for all the intentions on this site. May God love shine down on you and ease your pain. Albert Cioffoletti Continued prayers for my Franciscan brothers & sisters as they labor in the Lord's vineyard ... may the Holy Spirit give them strength and guidance Albert Cioffoletti Praying for my friend, Dusty, who is battling cancer ... may the hand of Jesus touch and heal him Albert Cioffoletti Praying for the people of Mexico who were victims of the earthquakes ... may God give them strength to rebuild their lives and comfort for those who lost family & friends Albert Cioffoletti Praying for the victims of the hurricanes Harvey, Irma & Maria ... God give these people strength to rebuild Albert Cioffoletti May Jesus touch you with His healing hand and make you well <3 Rogervic Mattal .......Lord bring your healing touch... Anthony Fowler Pray that my jen will be able to feel better soon Peter MacNaughton Peace. Kevin R Daugherty I have an update to a prayer request. Emma was hospitalized and is doing much better now, praise God. However, she is still in the hospital. Jeanne Christianson-McKillop THANK GOD! Today, the National Guard arrived on the two small islands off the coast of Puerto Rico - Vieques and Culebra. There are maybe two or three thousand people total who inhabit the two tiny islands that were laid flat by the hurricane. Hearts are surely uplifted today! God love and protect the helpers and the island people of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. John Anderson Another wonderful day Lord, thank you once again. Please heal the spiritual wounds of my wife and guide my family to your graces. Please be with the lost and forgotten, the sick and dying. Comfort them and give them peace. Guide and direct our worlds leaders Lord, help them to find compassion for all people. Please bless my Franciscan brothers and sisters in all that they do. Thank you Lord, Amen. Jeanne Rabe Tysinger Please pray for the elderly in our country and worldwide, that they receive adequate medical And financial resources, health care so they may remain as independent as possible. Rogervic Mattal .......Lord hear our prayers....... Rogervic Mattal .......for the Healing of divisions in our hearts...in our countries...in our world...and in the Body of Christ....... Denise Szabo That we may be one Lord. Aida Longhi Busy day! Please pray for T...only God knows what he needs! Urgent! Amen Rogervic Mattal .......Lord bring your help... Bjorn DrakkenSchultz Oes In thanksgiving for our Eremitic vocations and that we might through prayer and holy solitude come to know the gifts of the Spirit of God. Rogervic Mattal .......Amen and Amen....... BrotherPaul Ofh Thank You Lord for the opportunity to Ask for our needs for you said, "Ask and You Shall Receive." You know the desire of our hearts and we pray that you continue to show Mercy on us. We are sorry for our sins and pray that we may be made worthy of your promises. Thank You Lord, We Love You.
We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For all of our World Leaders that they may be guided by the Lord and make ethical decisions to bring about World Peace and end hunger, all violence and terrorism, poverty and loss of innocent lives. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, have addictions, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Sumithra Y M Amen in the Unfailing Name of Jesus Claudia Olimpia Rus please pray for my son Claudiu Dorin Claudia Olimpia thank you amen. Pat Park Will do. Sumithra Y M Prayers for the whole of the Catholic Church and the challenges that she's facing as of now regarding the new changes that are being introduced. May the Glorious Lord strengthen his Church and the Pope to be Faithfull and obedient to God and His blessed guidance Gina Valladao Charity of Heart And the holy Soul's in Purgatory and for world Peace and all unbelievers peace in all families!!!❤❤❤ JMJ Stephanie Drury Intentions Carole Dupuy ?✝️❤️ Nestor Limqueco We pray for the souls in purgatory especially +Ruel Rodil. Our intentions . Through Christ, our Lord.Amen Mary Ukonu Continued prayers for my daughter Vivian to pass her Medical board exam, for all those that have asked for my prayers Leslie A. Hamilton My brother and nephew recently passed. Please pray for my family during this difficult time Denise Szabo May they rest in peace and may perpetual light shine upon them. May our Lord bring His loving comfort to your family in this time of grief Jeanne Christianson-McKillop Prayers please for Kurt & Kelly Soukup who live on the island of Vieque, Puerto Rico. Please pray they are found safe and sound. As well, please pray for the parents and siblings of this young couple - they are sick with worry. Two days ago, the US Coast Guard brought food and water to this small island community. There is optimism the Red Cross will have news of their whereabouts this week. Please hold them in your prayers! Joy Marzynski Prayers for all those in Puerto Rico and all victims of recent natural disasters. Jim Flanagan Someone close to me is homeless...that they will accept the counseling from Catholic Charities ... Sandra Bunch For all of us to Love and serve our Lord as we are called Gregory Pio Marshall Again I see troubles all around us, coupled with the hero worship on football fields. God forgive us. Let the same zeal, look to solving the problems of peace, homelessness, addictions, and hunger. Anthony Fowler Please pray that jen knows how I feel about her and feels the same way about me Karen McAleavy Mansfield Heal me, Lord Vena Ward Sfo We pray world peace peace in all our familys 4 all our special intentions 4 all our priests and.leaders amen FrCharles Allen Prayers for all our brothers and sisters who are enduring persecution for their faith. Pat Park Praise the Lord with us over a son who came home. No longer distant. Thank you Lord for answered prayer. Pat Park Please pray that the God of all comfort will give His comfort to a family feeling the pain of loss. May God's perfect peace be known in their affliction. Samantha Rose Starr Please pray for my special intentions. Pray for my friends John Zeller and Angela. Pray for the victims of Hurricanes Harvey Irma and Maria and earthquake in Mexico. Pray for the people in Nashville. Pray for peace with North Korea. Thank you kindly for your prayers. ❤ ? ❤ Denise Szabo Pray that the Lord will show us how to act with love in all we do today. Barbara Stawiasz I hope Jesus will answer my intentions. Also my healing Robert Anthony Villamor Ofh Lord Jesus, through your most precious blood you gave peace to the world, turn away the sin of strife, the scourge of war and increase in all of us the love of Christ. Our Lord and our God, hear us. William Kraemer My former co-worker had a stroke last Thursday - He's married with 2 children - Aaron is 43 years old. Please pray and thank you! ??? Tsegureda Rufael Amen???♥️♥️♥️???? Chisom Patrick For increase in faith of the faithful and grace. Melchiade Arnaldo San Agustin-Robledo prayers for special intentions for today (regarding our home), through the intercession of the BVM and the saints... pace e bene! John Anderson Thank you Lord for another splendid day. I pray for my wife's spiritual well being and that of the rest of my family as well. Please be with the lost, forgotten, elderly, sick and dying. Please comfort and bless them. Be with those enduring natural disasters, strengthen and comfort them. Please bless my Franciscan brothers and sisters in all that they do. Thank you Lord, Amen. Sumithra Y M Thanks be to God and BrotherPaul Ofh and my dear brothers and sisters who had prayed for the two missing school girls.. They have been found and the Religious Sister the principal is thanking all. Donna Cournoyer I deeply pray for the end of suffering of innocent children , mothers and elders caught up in conflict around the world.May they all find a safe shelter rest,food and medical attention. May the world come together to help in any way possible. Prayer and Service.....Amen Thank You Lord my God Magdala Casey For those seeking, those in the midst of finding, and those who have found. May all know True Peace. Rogervic Mattal .......Lord Jesus...touch...our word leaders with a...Moment of Your...Presence........for which they will never be the same again....... Joy Marzynski ?? continued prayer for sanctity, growth in holiness, humility, gentleness, meekness, forgiveness, and above all, charity, and deepening of spirituality for all of us. May we practice detachment, hungering for You alone, O Lord, recognizing that all in this temporal world, lent to us as Your Gift, is vanity and quickly passes. Fiat. Karen Folds Deliverance, restoration, conversion, and healing of my family and I and for my enemies both visible and invisible Guidance, protection, and defense from evil and harm. Let no evil or weapons formed against us prosper, stop those who plot against us, and deaden the tongues of those who speak against us. Forgiveness, understanding and financial blessings. LORD please give us all the blessings, graces, and gifts we need for our state of lives. AND MOST OF ALL HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS. Please restore my family I miss my babies so much I want my family back and today can't than handle it that much today I know GOD has a plan but it hurts so bad much worse more and more. Help me forgive. satan I command you in the name of JESUS CHRIST. leave my family alone my 4 sons, 2 sisters ,mother,2 neices, nephew, aunts,uncles,and over 100 cousins .LORD wake them up and show them how they're being deceived by the evil one. Remind them the truth they knew but never changed. Mindy Kant Peace Jeanne Rabe Tysinger Let us pray for All persons struggling to recover from emotional disorders, that the Grace of God help them find serenity........ Rogervic Mattal .......Lord hear our prayers... BrotherPaul Ofh Thank You Lord for the opportunity to Ask for our needs for you said, "Ask and You Shall Receive." You know the desire of our hearts and we pray that you continue to show Mercy on us. We are sorry for our sins and pray that we may be made worthy of your promises. Thank You Lord, We Love You. |
August 2024