We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For all of our World Leaders that they may be guided by the Lord and make ethical decisions to bring about World Peace and end hunger, all violence and terrorism, poverty and loss of innocent lives. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, have addictions, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Pat Park Amen Peter MacNaughton Lord, hear our prayer. Nestor Limqueco We ask the Intercessions of Mary, Queen of angels, St. Michael,St. Gabriel and Raphael to protect and guard the Mother Church from all her foes. We pray for the sick and the dying. We also include who celebrate their birthdays and Sacerdotal Anniversary. We pray for the souls in purgatory. In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Lord .Amen Gina Valladao Charity of Heart And the holy Soul's in Purgatory and for world Peace and all unbelievers peace in all families!!!❤❤❤JMJ Sumithra Y M Happy Feast of the Archangels Sumithra Y M Prayers for all of us to live in FAITH, HOPE and LOVE Mary Ziga Please pray for healing of my legs and please pray and ask God to help me get rid of all this stress that I'm under Denise Szabo Grant peace and healing Lord, we pray Mary Ziga ??? Rogervic Mattal .......Lord bring your healing presence....... Theresa Canaan We must not forget prayers for Saint Michael Joy Marzynski We don't pray for St. Michael or any other Saint. They are in heaven, and there is nothing we can do for them, as everything they have in God is now complete. We pray to them, asking for their intercession, to not for. Peter MacNaughton Theresa, love this sentiment. St. Michael is one of my patrons: my hermitage takes it's name from St. Michael. Don't be discouraged about the wording. Joy I think is bringing to mind the reality that even those of us who have practiced our faith fo...See More Theresa Canaan We as Franciscans are prayer instrument for God to share the love word and peace Christ and to share all that is good so we must let god bless us in time it's always trust without asking from God he will provide the word of god without love there's no hope faith seek all that is good and peace Manuel Boby AMEN.. Theresa Canaan Bother Paul is always a inspiration to me BrotherPaul Ofh Thank You Theresa... I come each day motivated by the LOVE I receive by all of you in the OFH and the Lord's Call to Serve Dorothy Breslin Ofs easing of physical pain on left side and family return home soon. Kriz Khustah Urtgah Through the intercession of the archangel Sts Michael, Gabriel and Raphael may the young people all over the world may be protected from all the attack of satan through materialism, pornography, addiction... that they may receive healing, guidance and enlightenment... sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.... Pray for us! Stephanie Drury Intentions Margaret Dillon Please pray for the repose of the soul of my father Matthew Dillon and all my deceased family members and ancestors. For all the holy souls and the salvation of the dying. For the sick homeless needy poor hungry elderly infirmed imprisoned refugees asylum seekers missionaries worldwide to be blessed in every area of their lives. For world peace and conversion of Russia and communist countries. For our Lady of Fatima intentions and the holy Father the popes intentions for this month. For an abundance of holy priest and religious vocations. To abolish abortions and euthanasia. For the complete healing and conversions of the Dillon and Mcintosh family trees and the Sherriff and Black family trees. For my son to be blessed with knowledge wisdom memory and understanding to pass his cscs test leading him to an apprenticeship also for him and all my family and friends to go back to mass and pray the rosary with love and devotion. .for the complete healing of my husband James Sherriff of asbestosis of the lungs and insomnia anxiety low mood addictions to cigarettes. Also for James Sherriff to have remorse for taking our Lords name in vain that he will be blessed with a love of the holy name of Jesus and the Sacred heart of Jesus and the immaculate heart of Mary. Leading him to conversion in to the Catholic Church. For the complete healing of my brother Matthew of alcohol addiction. For my own healing of fatigue insomnia sadness low mood slow metabolism underactive thyroid. Please pray that I will be blessed with natural sleep to awake filled with energy love and joy to attend daily mass and pray the rosary with love and devotion. For all the petitions i offer up during the holy mass and all my novena intentions and for all the people who ask me to pray for them. Thank you. William Alan Robinson Brothers and Sisters, Please pray for the People of the world striving for self determination and INDEPENDENCE. Pray for their happiness and PEACE. Pray for the poor and for the children. Karen McAleavy Mansfield Heal me, Lord Gregory Pio Marshall Lord, we thank you for the cloud of witnesses who remind us that loving you is a perpetual call to active duty. Grant us both passion and courage to answer the call to peace and justice, no matter where it might lead us. Pat Park Amen Laurence Martin Amen. Rogervic Mattal .......Amen... Benedict Joseph Baldevia Ofh Prayer for old aged priest and religious.... for all jobless and suffering from emotional distress and for our own humility, patience and perseverance....for our daily repentance and peace within us. Laurence Martin Amen and Amen. Denise Szabo Lord we praise your great glory. Thank you for the beauty of earth and all your creatures. Thank you for the gift of your angels and their protection, messages, and healing. Pat Park Please pray for the willingness to trust God for His provision of daily bread and the power to be content with what He gives rather than clinging tightly to the idea of what I selfishly desire. Laurence Martin Me, too. AMEN. Linda Mary Montano Correct Behavior Aida Longhi Praying for wisdom, patience and truth...amen Dee L Ewing Prayers for my step daughter, Julie, as she goes through treatment for cervical cancer. Laurence Martin Amen. Karen Folds Deliverance, restoration, conversion, and healing of my family and I and for my enemies both visible and invisible Guidance, protection, and defense from evil and harm. Let no evil or weapons formed against us prosper, stop those who plot against us, and deaden the tongues of those who speak against us. Forgiveness, understanding and financial blessings. LORD please give us all the blessings, graces, and gifts we need for our state of lives. AND MOST OF ALL HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS. Please restore my family I miss my babies so much I want my family back and today can't than handle it that much today I know GOD has a plan but it hurts so bad much worse more and more. Help me forgive. satan I command you in the name of JESUS CHRIST. leave my family alone my 4 sons, 2 sisters ,mother,2 neices, nephew, aunts,uncles,and over 100 cousins .LORD wake them up and show them how they're being deceived by the evil one. Remind them the truth they knew but never changed. Laurence Martin Amen. Samantha Rose Starr Please pray for my special intentions. Pray for victims of natural disasters. Pray for victims who are in captivity. Pray for peace with North Korea. ❤ ? ❤ Laurence Martin Amen. Tana Dale prayers for my son Scott who is out of state regarding a business/job opportunity...please pray that things go well...thank you William C. Querrey Pray for me and all sinners! Barbara Stawiasz I pray for my intentions and my healing. Laurence Martin I pray for all who are in pain following orthodontic treatment, for I know how they feel. Leslie Barnett I pray that I remember that God is and will be with us as we attend my brother-in-law's memorial on Saturday. Protect us from family dissension. Bring peace to the family gathering. Laurence Martin Amen. Bro Daniel Klementy Ofh Of the requests coming to our Неrmitage: two children have disappeared 16 years old, Roman and Nikolai, Ukraine. I ask confraters, brothers and sisters for joint prayer. There is danger for these young souls. Gregory Pio Marshall Lord hear our prayers Laurence Martin Praying for their safety. Bro Daniel Klementy Ofh Thank you, Dear brother Laurence Martin Jeanne Christianson-McKillop Prayers for all those waiting on help! Peter MacNaughton Giving thanks for the beauty of fall, the simplicity of bread and the taste of ripe tomatoes, the companionship of a dog, a safe warm hermitage, and for love in my life both human and Divine. Praying for those who are cold, who are lost, who are hungry, who are lonely. Claudia Olimpia Rus please pray for my son and for me Claudiu Dorin Claudia Olimpia thank you amen. Laurence Martin Praying for you both. Theresa Canaan ?? Jeanne Rabe Tysinger Let us pray for worldwide restoration of justice, Peaceful resolution of conflicts which are Dividing and harming peoples of All religions, and May we join ttogether our scientific communities To preserve This Planet, that it become healthy And ecologically vibrant ..... Laurence Martin Amen and Amen. Mankind continues to damage God's beautiful creation, just to fulfil their greed. Conflicts and war - humans grabbing for power for themselves. Religious intolerance - we must all remember (Christian, Muslim and Jew) that we worship the same, One True God. Scientists are forward thinkers discovering many wonderful things - their employers again fulfilling their greed. We each play a very small part in the epic production that is God's ongoing creation, so, may our voices merge to shout the message that must be heard. Jeanne Rabe Tysinger Praying for youand your son . Maria Meyer Let us pray for the people from the isles, who lost everything in the storm and seem to be forgotten. Let us always remember that our Lord sees everyone of us! Laurence Martin Amen and Amen. Jeanne Rabe Tysinger Amen. Lord hear our prayers. Rogervic Mattal .......praying for families who are struggling...with internal strife...and with larger struggles with society.......may they be graced with...love...mercy...truth...and perseverance....... Aida Longhi Praying for 4 friends who have family members very ill and addicted to alcohol! Praying for a person to have his heart opened to the prompting of the Holy Spirit! Rogervic Mattal ....... Holy Archangels hear our prayers....... Rj Guzzo Lord please heal me from diabetes. And all souls in the world,purgatory and me. Li Cruz FOR ALL THE PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS AROUND THE WORLD, GENTLE JESUS, PROTECT & SAVE ! Junior Atsop amen Junior Atsop amen Dorothy Breslin Ofs Improvement in health & family unity. BrotherPaul Ofh Thank You Lord for the opportunity to Ask for our needs for you said, "Ask and You Shall Receive." You know the desire of our hearts and we pray that you continue to show Mercy on us. We are sorry for our sins and pray that we may be made worthy of your promises. Thank You Lord, We Love You. Comments are closed.
August 2024