We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For all of our World Leaders that they may be guided by the Lord and make ethical decisions to bring about World Peace and end hunger, all violence and terrorism, poverty and loss of innocent lives. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, have addictions, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Albert Cioffoletti Adding my prayers to those of BrotherPaul Ofh Sumithra Y M Amen in the Unfailing Name of Jesus BrotherPaul Ofh For the Repose of the Soul of Brother Domenic Multari's Grandmother who passed away on Tuesday. May his family be comforted in the Lord and the Blessed Mother, and may his Grandmother Rest in Peace Francesco Monaco RIP in paradisum deducant ea angeli.....+ Albert Cioffoletti May the Divine Mercy give Brother Dominic;s grandmother eternal rest and comfort his family Bro Daniel Klementy Ofh RIP + Gina Valladao Charity of Heart And the holy Soul's in Purgatory and for world Peace and all unbelievers peace in all families!!!!❤❤❤JMJ EJ Tiu Ng We pray for Peace here in the Philippines and the whole world Mary Ukonu Please my sweet Jesus send the Holy Spirit upon my daughter vivian as she prepares to take her medical board exams. Dorothy Breslin Ofs Eliminate physical and emotional pain. Albert Cioffoletti Praying for my Franciscan brothers & sisters as they labor in the Lord's vineyard ... may the Holy Spirit give them guidance and strength Albert Cioffoletti Praying for my family & friends ... may God hear and answer their petitions Nestor Limqueco We pray for the intentions of the Holy Pontiff. We pray for the Souls in purgatory especially + Ruel and + Alma. We pray for CSD's intentions. In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and the powerful Intercession of the Blessed Lady .Amen. David Louis Jacobi Prayers for a family in my town. Their 18 year old daughter was found dead today in an apparent suicide. She just graduated high school this past June. Gregory Pio Marshall Pray for all world leaders to seek peaceful resolutions to the growing divide. Remember the homeless, the hungry, those with addictions. Pray for our brothers and sisters around the globe facing persecution due to their faith. Sumithra Y M Prayers for all those holy souls who are in purgatory and especially those who have no one to pray for and all those who are on their death beds and are contemplating suicide, murder. Kriz Khustah Urtgah We pray for all religious in particular for those apostolate taking care of the sick, dying and abandoned because of disability, for there material needs and for there spiritual fervor... Sumithra Y M Prayers for all souls of Catholic priests and Bishops and religious who are In purgatory Denise Szabo Pray that we may hear the cry of the poor and do thy will Lord. St. Vincent de Paul pray for us. Vena Ward Sfo We pray 4 world peace and 4 peace.healing.unity in all our familys 4 all out priests 4 the holy souls and 4 all my friends who have asked.4.prayers amen Nick Sant Nicola I PRAY THE VICTORY OF MY PROJECTS! Samantha Rose Starr Please pray for my special intentions. Pray for victims of natural disasters. Pray for peace with North Korea. Thank you kindly for your prayers. ❤ ? ❤ Maria Meyer Let us pray for the people in Puerto Rico, living without power and lacking many necessary things, may they keep hope , praying for all of us to keep hope and faith . Dee L Ewing Prayers for my step daughter, Julie Gatelaro, who is going to Cancer Center of America today to start treatment. Pat Park Continue to pray for a grieving family and for those who comfort them. May the God of all comfort be the source of true comfort and peace for them. Mary K Naples Please pray for my Daughter Angela. Pray for comfort and speedy help . Jeanne Christianson-McKillop Thank God! Prayers are answered - Kurt and Kelly Soukup were reported to be seen and doing well on the island of Viegus. The National Guard arrived yesterday bringing some water. I know my friend Jane is relieved her children are found safe. Amen! Keep praying for the residents of Puerto Rico. Thank you for praying my friends. Magdala Casey For the gentle repose of the soul of Sr. Helen Bernice SSG, who died early this morning at age 103. A true "servant of the servants of God." Stephanie Drury Intentions Andreya Allen Praying for those suffering in any way, may Peace enter their lives❤️??? Barbara Stawiasz Please hear my intentions and my healing. Eric Erickson For the mentally ill, the incarcerated their families and caregivers. William Alan Robinson Brothers and Sisters, Please pray for the People of Korea, North and South. Especially for the children. Elli Monk Beloved Savior, the Way, Truth, and Life, please keep us all from religious persecution. John Anderson Thank you Lord for another day. Help me to use it wisely. Please be with my family, keep them safe and work in their hearts. Please be with the lost, forgotten, elderly, sick and dying. Comfort them. Please be with the worlds leaders, bless them with wisdom and compassion. Bless my Franciscan brothers and sisters in all that they do. Thank you Lord, Amen Jeanne Rabe Tysinger Praying for world leaders to find peaceful ways in which to UNITE and resolve the issues dividing them ......REGARDLESS OF THEIR POLITICAL OR RELIGIOUS OR RACIAL ORIGIN Jeanne Rabe Tysinger Praying for my Franciscan Brothers and Sisters Karen Folds Deliverance, restoration, conversion, and healing of my family and I and for my enemies both visible and invisible Guidance, protection, and defense from evil and harm. Let no evil or weapons formed against us prosper, stop those who plot against us, and deaden the tongues of those who speak against us. Forgiveness, understanding and financial blessings. LORD please give us all the blessings, graces, and gifts we need for our state of lives. AND MOST OF ALL HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS. Please restore my family I miss my babies so much I want my family back and today can't than handle it that much today I know GOD has a plan but it hurts so bad much worse more and more. Help me forgive. satan I command you in the name of JESUS CHRIST. leave my family alone my 4 sons, 2 sisters ,mother, 2 nieces, nephew, aunts,uncles,and over 100 cousins .LORD wake them up and show them how they're being deceived by the evil one. Remind them the truth they knew but never changed. Rogervic Mattal .......praying for...Peace and Healing...for All who are part of the...OFH...family....... Dave Wulf Ofs Glad to be going home!! Chisom Patrick Giving thanks to God for his grace,gift and love. William C. Querrey Pray for me and all sinners! Please pray for Troy Wimberley II was killed Saturday morning. Was hit by a car and his father has no money to pay for his funeral and burial. Lord please help him! Melchiade Arnaldo San Agustin-Robledo God rest his soul. Kyrie eleison... Rogervic Mattal .......the people in Puerto Rico...are living in severe conditions...with people quietly suffering.......Lord bring your help....... Melchiade Arnaldo San Agustin-Robledo I am asking my Franciscan brothers and sisters for special prayers for my brother and myself, as we feed colonies of stray cats in the inner city, but have encountered hostile people who are bent on preventing us from taking care of stray animals that the Good Lord sends to us. God commands us to care for all His creation, so this is all we are trying to do.... one colony has some kittens as well, we leave them food and water on a regular basis but the security guards there (who have no reason to prevent us as we are not causing any harm, neither are the cats), and take our trays of kibble and water away so as to starve these poor creatures. Please pray to Our Seraphic Father Saint Francis for us and our Holy Mother Clare (who had a love for cats) for us and our care of the stray cats, for their protection and ours as well.... We have so much to deal with already and do not need more obstacles, please ask for God to shine his light and mercy for us through the prayers of His Blessed Mother, Holy Mary of the Angels and all His saints. John C Maynes Brother Paul thank you for your love and dedication. BrotherPaul Ofh You're Welcome... PEACE and LOVE to You and Your Family Abel Soto For all those either about to face or are in the midst of some very dark times. Rogervic Mattal .......Lord help and protect us all....... Kathy Sibley Amen FrCharles Allen For Taylor, Carol, and all members of OFH. BrotherPaul Ofh Thank You Lord for the opportunity to Ask for our needs for you said, "Ask and You Shall Receive." You know the desire of our hearts and we pray that you continue to show Mercy on us. We are sorry for our sins and pray that we may be made worthy of your promises. Thank You Lord, We Love You. Comments are closed.
August 2024