We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate or Member at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Alex Majid Please pray for peace in my country Nigeria Inma Enríquez Pray for my son and for me please. God bless. Greg Marshall Ofh Please pray for Bro John who is having eye problems. He is a Benedictine brother and leader of a small community on an island off of Vancouver Canada. Nancy Thomas Praying for Fr Tom and all victims of terrorism. Nancy Thomas Please pray for personal intentions. Theresa Bonar Please pray that my son Christian is cured of his social anxiety and that he attains gainful employment this summer, Paul Bane Pray for finances of people on the edge of making it. Liane M. Johnson Ofh Pray for Jacob a young Man with Cancer! SrTrish Agnes Ffbvm Ofh Please pray for my sister Gwen..she is in hospital having biopsy done and on cortisone infusions. Thank you! Li Cruz FOR ALL THE PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS AROUND THE WORLD, LET US KEEP THEM IN OUR DAILY PETITIONS. GOD BLESS US! Li Cruz LORD,JESUS, SAVIOR, MASTER, LET US KNOW YOUR HOLY WILL. Li Cruz LET US KEEP A GRATEFUL HEART FOR GOD'S COUNTLESS BLESSINGS. John Spiesman For all travelers. May all journeys be blessed with safety and grace. For all spiritually abused and ignored by shepherds of church flocks. May healing, freedom and voice be theirs, and those abusing power be brought to justice. May the Holy Spirit bless and guide all ministries. May ministries in God's name grow and flourish. Come Holy Spirit. Renew the face of the Earth. Stephanie Drury For trafficked children, and private intentions. Kevin Figueiredo Please continue to pray for my Mum(Ana who is in an assisted living facility), my Dad(Antonico, who is also in an assisted living facility), my sister(Audrey), my brother(Roy for his vocation and state in life or his calling in life and to work and serve the Lord in the House of God), and me(Kevin for my vocation and state in life or my calling in life and to work and serve the Lord in the House of God). Amen Millie D'orto special intention Kim Grandusky Special intentions. Joseph T. Garcia Pray for all those who are in need of prayer at this time . And for all those who have ask for prayer . Millie D'orto THANK YOU.
We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate or Member at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Jeanne Christianson-McKillop Please, pray for children battling cancer. Thank you! Greg Marshall Ofh Protect the children growing up in these times. Stephanie Drury For protection on a suicidal teenager, and private intentions. Peggy Rowe-Linn For my friend Diane who is having her colon resected due to cancer on Thursday. Li Cruz LET US KEEP PRAYING FOR THE PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS AROUND THE WORLD, OUR PRAYER IS A HELP AND STRENGTH TO THEM. Li Cruz LORD, GOD ALMIGHTY. MAKE US GENEROUS TO PEOPLE IN NEED. Li Cruz LORD JESUS, GIVE US THE GRACE TO ACCEPT ALL THAT YOU PERMIT TO HAPPEN TO US. Joy Anne Gonsalves Pour your mercy into the hearts of all.... for your forgiveness of each other's wrongs.... for cessation of violence.... Lord please give strength and peace to all who are suffering as innocent victims of injustice, Kevin Figueiredo Please continue to pray for my Mum(Ana who is in an assisted living facility), my Dad(Antonico, who is also in an assisted living facility), my sister(Audrey), my brother(Roy for his vocation and state in life or his calling in life and to work and serve the Lord in the House of God), and me(Kevin for my vocation and state in life or my calling in life and to work and serve the Lord in the House of God). Amen Karee Kamis For Roy K. on Salt Spring Island who is in transition, and his loving wife Diane who has cared for him throughout Parkinson's disease. Lord Hear Our Prayers. Ida Chip Ojinaga Please pray for my grandson Daniel (special intention) Thank you. Rogervic Mattal ....... pray for those affected by severe weather... Don Perantoni Please pray for Travis Gogfrey and Christine Bowman boy and girl friend they were in an accident he is in the hospital and Christine has died. Lord please give their families your comfort and strength. Help Travis to deal with such a tragedy and help him heal his injuries both physical and emotional, Amen Millie D'orto Please pray for those who believe in Horoscopes, Tarot Cards, and fortune telling..for the future answers and practices that is against our belief...all because of fear of the unknown..Only Our Father in Heaven can answer what our Future holds...May God Forgive them...some think its just fun....it dangerous.By the way Jesus forgive me of my own sins too...Thank you Jesus. Alexander Delfini Please pray for my friend and former student John. As he seeks to remain sober and to remain drug free he is finding alot of resistance in his personal life and his relationship, specifically to his estranged wife. Please pray that our Lord and Mother Mary will give him comfort, wisdom, and the strength to persevere.
We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate or Member at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Joseph Ortiz Special intentions. Joy Anne Gonsalves We pray for the Church and the Churches, that all may choose to be poor and simple, and merciful like Christ. Rogervic Mattal .......Lord hear our prayer... Terry Hughes Special intentions. Greg Marshall Ofh Pray for the children and teens today. They are barraged with so much. Protect them from sexual predators, from false commercialism. Let them be children. Paul Bane Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world. John Spiesman For all who travel. May all journeys be blessed with safety and grace. For the spiritually abused by those in power in the church. May freedom and healing be granted to all the spiritually abused, and abusers removed from power. May the blessing of the Holy Trinity be ours this day and throughout eternity. Come Holy Spirit. Renew the face of the earth. Roy Whaley For peace and physical health of Brennis and all people with the same challenges. Roy Whaley For the people graduating, that they began their next stage in life with the truth of the Lord and the knowledge they gain in school. Li Cruz FOR ALLTHE PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS AROUND THE WORLD, LORD HEAR THEM. LET THEM FEEL YOUR LOVE. Li Cruz LORD, MAKE US COMPASSIONATE TODAY AND ALWAYS. Li Cruz MY GOD AND MY ALL, GIVE US A FORGIVING HEART TODAY AND ALWAYS. Nancy Thomas Continue praying for the safe release of Fr Tom. Nancy Thomas Prayers for personal intentions. Russ Hjelm Ofh Prayers for my wife and I as our children and grandchildren prepare to move to another city. While we are excited for this new opportunity for them, we will be experiencing empty nest syndrome for a second time as we have been babysitting our grandchildren since they were born three days or more per week while their parents worked. Rogervic Mattal .......Lord hear our prayer... Stephanie Drury For those living in fear, and special intentions. Rogervic Mattal .......Lord hear our prayer... Sylvia Poche Sandberg For those in nursing homes that are abandoned by their families. Millie D'orto May Jesus bring our minds and Hearts closer to Him this day as we pray for all those who are in need,sick,and dying who have no one to pray for them....for a special intention. Jane Bentley That I get a job. Rogervic Mattal .......Lord hear our prayer... Liane M. Johnson Ofh Prayers for a young Man named Jacob,who has Cancer,22years old!Lord hear our prayer! Maurizio Alas For marriages in trouble and their children. Rogervic Mattal .......pray for all who are experiencing financial struggles...praying for perseverance and hope...and trust in God's provision... BrotherPaul Ofh For a special intention of one of our OFH Members
We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate or Member at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Alex Majid Please help me pray for my vocation to Religious Life. Ricky Kmenlang Mawlong PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DIVINE MERCY PILGRIMAGE...ORGANISE BY DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE IN COLABORATION WITH THE CONTEMPLATIVE SISTERS OF DIVINE MERCY AND THE YOUNG APOSTLES OF DIVINE MERCY. TODAY AT 1:00 PM WE WILL START OUR PILGRIMAGE IN THE CATHEDRAL OF MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS OF SHILLONG ARCHDIOCESE. Peter Alcock pray for Christian Aid , all those in Bangladesh in danger and all celebrating the wisdom of the Buddha at this time of Vesak. Wisdom and compassion and the dynamic Trinity enfold the world and inspire justice. Kevin Figueiredo Please continue to pray for my Mum(Ana who is in an assisted living facility), my Dad(Antonico, who is also in an assisted living facility), my sister(Audrey), my brother(Roy for his vocation and state in life or his calling in life and to work and serve the Lord in the House of God), and me(Kevin for my vocation and state in life or my calling in life and to work and serve the Lord in the House of God). Amen Stephen Whitlock Father, Today is before us Thank you. Let the death of your Son bind us to each other; let us live as you desire; May the truth of Christ be shown ineach of us. Amen, Praise. Li Cruz FOR THE PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS AROUND THE WORLD, LET US PRAY FOR THEM. Li Cruz HOLY SPIRIT GRANT US VIRTUES PROPER TO OUR STATE OF LIFE. Li Cruz DEAR GOD HELP AND GUIDE US IN EVERYTHING WE DO. Greg Marshall Ofh Teach us, Lord, to deny ourselves for the sake of your kingdom. Help us distinguish self-righteous suffering from the suffering that comes from bearing our crosses as we follow you. Linda Mary Montano Home repairs and emotional repairs John Spiesman For all who travel. May all journeys be blessed with grace and safety. For the spiritually abused. May evil and power in churches be replaced by love. May the blessing of the Holy Trinity be ours this day and throughout eternity. The blessing of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit be upon us all. Sylvia Poche Sandberg For healing of my body. Was doing well after hip replacement surgery but now seem to be losing ground. Having pain, can't sleep, difficult to stay on top of things that have to get done. Thank you. Millie D'orto takes a while but it will heal...Time is in Gods' Hands and sometimes He wants us to rest a while with Him to know that He Alone knows why...Hope you can get some meds for the pain.I know its so easy to tell you this but I know only because I went through it..I will pray for you. Sylvia Poche Sandberg Thank you, Millie. I was so happy to be pain free but now my thigh aches and burns. Perhaps it's some healing mechanism that is going on but I'm so tired. I appreciate your encouraging words. Of course you worry that you're rejecting the implant. I will take you advice and really give it to God (not just say I am and then take it back.) Maurizio Alas For all mothers suffering Donna Godich Stewart For all those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, that they may heal in Gods grace and know that they will one day be together in the Kingdom of Heaven. That terrorism can be halted and those responsible be punished for their killing of innocents, including children, in planes and others. And again, I ask for your prayers for myself that I may continue my journey to spiritual wellness, and to become worthy of His Grace and love. God bless us all. Thank you. Stephanie Drury For missing children with no guardians, and private intentions. Millie D'orto FOR PEACE,,GIVING,FORGIVING,LOVE AND JOY that seems to be lacking in the World because people are without Jesus in their Hearts Look.First for the Kingdom of God ) Lord Have Mercy on us, for we to are sinners...... Dave Wulf Ofs Let us pray for those men and women who are Hospitalised and whom are in Nursing and Care homes. Merle Roller-Carrigan for the Love of all GOD'S children. Ida Chip Ojinaga For my spn Robert who celebrate s his birthday today.
We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate or Member at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Abel Soto For my aunt Susan Ariaz. She is not doing well. For Michael Wood to receive the much needed medical help from a sudden terrible surprise he was given. For Paul Lemmen to regain his eyesight Francis Yufra Kalenga Please for yufra at our parish they are having vows on Sunday pray that God show them is face so that they know what they are doing is powerful Dave Wulf Ofs We pray for those who are in ER's and the hospital's this morning and everyday. For those who don't know what's going on and those who come in knowing why they're here as a patient. We pray for those who have Cancer (all kinds), we pray for those men and women who have Hepatitis A, B & C. We pray for those who are HIV+ and who are dying slowly. We pray for victims of vehicle accidents. We also pray for men and women who are struggling with depression and issues with Bipolar. We also pray for people of all ages with Autism and educational disabilities. We pray for the unborn that Mother's all around will have safe pregnancies. We pray for women who have been told they're pregnant and are contemplating having an abortion. We pray that they will be shown how precious life is. That they will decide to at least have the baby and if they feel that they can't care for the newborn that they'll at least put it up for adoption. Lord I ask all of these prayer requests to be answered in your Holy Name. Amen!!! Inma Enríquez For my son and for me please. God bless. John Spiesman For all who travel. May all journeys be filled with safety, grace and joy. For the spiritually abused by those in the church. May healing and freedom by theirs, and may abusers be removed from power. May we do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God. Come Holy Spirit. Renew the face of the earth. Li Cruz AS ALWAYS, LET US PRAY FOR OUR PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS AROUND THE WORLD. Li Cruz LORD, BE MERCIFUL TO US. Li Cruz GOD, SAVIOR, MASTER, LET US HEAR YOUR MESSAGE. Stephanie Drury For Amber alert victims, and private intentions. Don Perantoni For my Grand Nephew Maddox and his mother Andrea and his father Tony that Maddox continue in great health as he celebrates his first birthday. Millie D'orto for my friends that are ill and all those who are in need......I pray ...for the Police that seemed to be getting killed all around the USA ...may they Rest in Peace. I pray that GOD changes Hearts of men that think they are doing the right thing by doing something wrong.... Rogervic Mattal .......pray for peace and healing in our families... |
February 2024