We ask All Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members to keep the following in your prayers this day & if you aren't a Member, Come Join Us (http://JoinUs.FranciscanHermits.org). To add your Daily Prayer Requests, please join our Order of Franciscan Hermits Facebook group as an Associate at http://FBGroup.FranciscanHermits.org.
BrotherPaul Ofh We pray for WORLD PEACE and that the Church be restored and United into One Body in Christ. For our Order of Franciscan Hermits Associates and Members, and for ALL Franciscans everywhere. In Love and Compassion for One Another, We pray that we can focus on what UNITES us as Franciscans and as Christians, rather than on what Divides us. We pray for those who are sick, homeless, imprisoned, for victims of abuse and crimes, for martyrs of the faith, for all church leaders and for those who have no one to pray for them. Thank You Lord for All you have given us, Help us to share the Abundance You have given us with all of our Brothers and Sisters in need. Irene Wolfe Special Intentions Sumithra Y M Let's pray for ourselves that we truly understand the Significance of Advent and live our lives in accordance Greg Marshall Ofh May the season of Advent open our eyes to the needs of the homeless. Gerry O Rourke ORA PRO NOBIS AMEN Inma C Enríquez For the eternal rest of my Auntie Laura, carmelite nun, who died last thursday and for the conversion of my son. God bless. Catherine Fearnley Prayers for all Dee L Ewing Pray for the repose of the soul of my husband, Larry Ewing, and also for my heart problems to be healed. Linda Mary Montano forgiveness Jade Jackson my health & depression are real bad Rogervic Mattal ......Lord bring your healing... Joseph T. Garcia Ofs Pray for my sister anniversary of passing , today and her daughters and grandchildren and father of her children and grandchildren . . Paul Peavy For the ability to let go after a painful end to a seven year relationship and to forgive them and myself. Samantha Rose Starr Please pray for my special intentions. Thank you kindly for your prayers. God bless all the Franciscan Hermits... BrotherPaul Ofh Thank You Lord for the opportunity to Ask for our needs for you said, "Ask and You Shall Receive." You know the desire of our hearts and we pray that you continue to show Mercy on us. We are sorry for our sins and pray that we may be made worthy of your promises. Thank You Lord, We Love You. Comments are closed.
February 2024